The most beautiful dogs: TOP 10 breeds

The dog has always been considered the most devoted and faithful friend of man. And this applies to all dogs - slow or playful, with long hair or smooth-haired, small or large. The main thing is to give her your affection, attention and love, and then everyone will be happy - both the dog and the owner. Each animal is beautiful in its own way.

Siberian Husky

Husky love their family, they are affectionate, very playful and incredibly beautiful. The dog is able to withstand the most difficult and coldest weather conditions due to its thick coat.

Husky can work hard and for a long time despite the fact that they drink and eat little compared to other breeds of dogs. This is an ideal sled dog that loves to travel long distances, so when raising this dog, the owner must take into account these abilities of the pet. In the absence of physical activity, the dog begins to get bored and then its behavior is unlikely to be liked by anyone. Some hausky habits are similar to those of wolves.

German Shepherd

Representatives of this breed are very beautiful and fearless. Although it has a threatening appearance, the German Shepherd is not at all hostile, but at the same time it is a confident and strong-willed animal, independent and strong. She does not show her emotions vividly; she prefers to always be a little aloof.

The shepherd treats family members very kindly, and to strangers, on the contrary, is cautious, alert, and the first will never approach them. But if in a new person she considers a friend, then the attitude towards him will be appropriate. The dog becomes very attached to his household and will always be a devoted and loyal friend to them, always ready to protect them. Sometimes this excessive protection of their owners is not always appropriate and may be a negative aspect.

The German Shepherd has great intelligence and is considered the most intelligent breed of dog. She is easily trained. Due to its strength and ability to quickly learn, this breed of dog is indispensable for service in rescue and search teams, in security, in the police. This is a great shepherd dog and companion to blind people.

Labrador retriever

A dog of the breed Labrador Retriever loves to chew and gnaw everything. In order to save shoes, furniture and other items in the house from pet’s teeth, it is necessary to purchase special bones and toys for the animal. They love to meet and greet guests and family members with some kind of trophy in their mouths. These dogs have very sensitive receptors and if they bite or bite something, they do it carefully and carefully. The Labrador Retriever is a very intelligent dog and can be easily trained, so it can be easily trained to chew on chewing household items.

This is an incredibly friendly dog ​​that finds a common language, both with people and with other animals. This is a great home companion, playful and calm. At the same time, they are excellent watchdogs. Thanks to their strong legs and powerful body, the Labrador Retriever is very hardy. Therefore, for the health of the dog it is very important to load it with physical activity.

The Labrador Retriever swims remarkably, and the dog uses its tail when swimming as a helm.


Kuvas is an excellent protector of the whole family. If children grow up in the house, then they should be explained that they cannot be rudely treated and teased. Kuvas, who is used to living without the piercing noise of children and their loud voices, may not immediately make friends with the kids. It’s better not to leave Kuvas alone with the children whom friends have come to, as a pet can try to protect its family members. Sheds kuvas very much, its hair in the house will be everywhere.


Balmastiff is a good friend and protector for the whole family.This breed is also called an affectionate defender. Until the age of two, the dog does not behave quite confidently, measuredly, calmly, but the bullmastiff shows his qualities as the best watchman in adulthood.

A bullmastiff can gently play with family members, with children, with other animals, but if he sees a danger threatening his master, he immediately turns into a ferocious dog.


Bulldog is a very beautiful dog, and at the same time very stubborn. This pet loves calm and silence. He barks infrequently and only if necessary. Some bulldog owners do not hear their dog’s voice for several days.

Dogs of this breed require constant care, love and attention. The dog is constantly next to the owner, so it is not recommended to leave the bulldog alone for a long time. But, despite the funny appearance and charm, the bulldog has a very strong character. Shouting at a dog and beating it is strictly forbidden. Otherwise, she will be crushed and intimidated.

Saint bernard

This is a powerful, huge and strong dog. Affectionate giant - also called St. Bernard. He very much loves the family in which St. Bernard lives, as a result of which he himself is a favorite of the whole family. Sometimes it is stubborn, has an incredible instinct, easily predicts the approaching natural disasters.

This breed of dogs adores small children, but since it is huge, it is necessary to ensure that the pet does not accidentally crush the baby.

German dog

Great Dane is a large beautiful dog with a very sensitive character. The dog treats people well, despite its enormous size. The owner needs to monitor his voice and emotions, as the dog knows how to be offended. But in fact, the Great Dane is ready at any moment to protect his master and is trying to please him in everything.


Doberman needs a strong-willed master who can accustom him to discipline. The dog loves to be in the circle of household members and is very devoted. All family members must adhere to one direction in the upbringing of their pet, otherwise the dog will behave inappropriately. With proper education, the dog will become a real favorite of the family.

Genetically, the dog has the qualities of a watchdog, so the Doberman is a real protector and bodyguard of his family.

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