Largest cats: TOP 10 large breeds

It would seem that to become the owner of the largest cat in the world, you need to properly feed it. This, of course, is a joke. The largest breeds of cats have their own parameters not due to enhanced nutrition, and they were made exclusively by skillful selection.


This breed is relatively young. In the spring of 1986, the first kittens were born. Currently, there are no more than 1000 individuals worldwide. Therefore, the prices of kittens are simply amazing. No less surprising are the sizes of the savannah - weight (over 16 kg), height and length.

The parents of this giant are the wild African serval and the most ordinary domestic cat. From the first parent, the savannah took over the love of the water element, incredible jumping ability (up about 3 meters), long legs, big ears, spotted color. This cat breed loves swimming. In water, it can travel great distances.

Her devotion to her master can be compared to a dog. Representatives of this breed are friendly and have amazing intelligence.

Maine Coon

Maine coon became another representative of the largest cats. Despite their formidable appearance and impressive mass (about 15 kg), these pets easily get along with all family members, as well as with other animals.

The ancestors of modern Maine Coons lived on the farms of Maine in the United States. The name of the cat is translated as "Manx raccoon". And the whole look of the cat is somewhat reminiscent of a raccoon - a powerful tail, coloring. Maine Coons have no drawbacks, except, of course, its cost. And she, not feline biting - from 50,000 rubles. These thugs learn easily. When they grow up, they demonstrate increased intelligence, grace, nobility and calm.


Representatives of this breed are not only the largest among cats, but also as rare as possible. The weight of an adult reaches 15 kg.

Having crossed a reed cat and an Abyssinian cat, in 1990 this miracle was born. The original goal of the breeders was to obtain a hybrid of a handmade cat in the guise of a predator. And they succeeded. Chowzi, with its developed peacefulness, has bestial power. They love to play with children and become attached to their master. The cat has yellow or green eyes, large ears, a large head, an athletic body.


Ann Baker, having modernized the ragdoll, got the largest ragamuffin cat. Ragdoll was crossed with a Himalayan, longhair and Persian cat. Initially, the newly-made cat was called a cherub. But later, after the manifestation of all his qualities, he began to be called ragamuffin, which translates from English as a ragged man.

Only at the age of four do these pets grow up. Their weight reaches 10 kg. They are distinguished by a diverse color and a slightly awkward physique. They love to play with toys and children.

Kurilian Bobtail

The weight of the next giant reaches 9 kg. This breed is called the Kurilian Bobtail. At the end of the 20th century, its representatives were "deported" from the islands of the same name.

The chip of this breed is a remarkable tail. It resembles a pompom, and its length is no more than 3-8 cm. But a length exceeding 8 cm has already been recognized as a drawback, and for a tail whose length has reached 12 cm, a pet will be disqualified from the competition. Low temperatures and water Bobtail is not afraid. They masterfully fish, but do not like to swim. The behavior of the cat is similar to that of a dog. He will run after the abandoned toy and bring it to his master. He likes to walk, is very active and curious.

Norwegian Forest Cat

At first glance, a cat of this breed may seem like a huge beast. Strong skeleton and long fluffy fur can weigh up to 9 kg. According to one of the legends in Scandinavia, these cats were brought by the Vikings in ship holds.These dexterous rat-catchers on ships protected food from rodents, and warriors from plague carried by these small animals.

Over time, cats settled near the peasants and domesticated a bit. Since 1934, work began on the selection of Norwegians. Purebred specimens were sought all over northern Europe. And only in 1976 the breed was officially recognized. The psyche of a Norwegian forest cat is stable. They are courageous and restrained. They are not afraid of careless children and good-natured dogs. Cleverness does not occupy representatives of this breed.

Siberian cat

Many biologists claim that the Norwegian forest and Siberian species have common ancestors. Be that as it may, our cats are superior to relatives from Scandinavia in everything - in terms of character, intelligence, weight (12 kg).

The Siberian has a high level of intelligence, a lightning reaction of natural beauty. It has excellent hunter data. And even a hare can become his trophy. His nerves are hardened. And his leadership qualities will certainly make themselves felt for other cats and even dogs.

British shorthair cat

This giant representative looks huge thanks to its unusual coat and sculpted muscles. The weight of the cat reaches 9 kg. The British Shorthair is also called the "cat for the businessman." All by the fact that she can easily be alone for a long time. Unobtrusive, independent - it's all about her. Closer than 2 meters, she will not allow strangers to her.

Cartesian cat (Chartreuse)

Charles de Gaulle was very fond of this one of the largest cats. The weight of representatives of this breed reaches 7 kg. The pedigree of this breed comes from the Catholic monasteries of the Chartres Mountains. There is even an opinion that the brethren loved to cook these pets. Until the 19th century, stews were prepared from them. Who knows, maybe for this reason cats do not have a voice. They are resigned and silent.

Pixie bob

This large cat is an American national treasure. It is forbidden to take pixy-bob out of the country. Upon breeding, the breeders wanted a miniature copy of the forest lynx. Everything was successful - there is a specific color and tassels on the ears. A short fluffy tail resembles a bobtail. The weight of an adult cat is 8 kg. Despite his lynx genes, pixy-bob has a gentle disposition and is distinguished by calm.

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