TOP 10: The largest lakes in Russia

The largest reserves of fresh water on the planet are concentrated in Russia. Lakes contain the bulk of it. In Baikal alone is 19% of the total fresh water on our planet. Taking into account the Caspian Sea, approximately 2 million lakes with a total area of ​​more than 700 thousand km² are located on the territory of our mighty country.

White lake

The area of ​​White Lake is 1,290 km². Throughout the year, this figure may fluctuate due to low coasts. In 1964, the Sheksninskoe reservoir was built. In this regard, the volume of water mass of the White Lake has sharply increased. Seventeen large rivers fill a huge natural pit. And the total number of streams and rivers that flow into the lake is 60.


The ninth place in the ranking is Lake Chany with an area of ​​2,000 km². This closed salt water reservoir is located in the Novosibirsk region, namely, in the Baraba lowland. The name of the lake from the Turkic language is translated as "a large vessel." Throughout the reservoir there are about 70 large and small islands. The most famous of them are Cap, Bear, Amelkina Griva, Lezhan. The lake is home to many fish - crucian carp, common carp, perch, perch, etc.

Ubsu Nur

In eighth place is Ubsu-Nur. Its area is 3,300 km², width - 80 km, and length - 85 km. Some of this reservoir is located in the territory of the neighboring state - Mongolia, where Ubsu-Nur has become the largest reservoir. About 29 different species of fish live in it. But only Altai Ottoman is used by man for food.

Peipsi Lake

This body of water covers an area of ​​3,500 km². It is located on the border of Estonia with Russia. 30 water arteries flow into Lake Peipsi-Pskov. Narva is the only river flowing from this reservoir. On the territory of the lake there are 29 islands of various sizes, with a total area of ​​26 km². Nearby is an ornithological reserve called the Pskov-Peipsi Priozernaya Lowland. In the Baltic region it is a very valuable reserve of rare species of animals and plants.


Hank Pond gets the sixth line of this rating. Its area is 4,000 km². The border between the provinces of China, Heilongjiang and the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation is its location. 24 water arteries flow into the lake. Among them are the rivers called Ilistaya, Komissarovka, Melgunovka. Sungacha is a river flowing from the Hanki. In this place is the Khankai Reserve, which has international status.


The top five ranking closes Taimyr. This giant of the Krasnoyarsk Territory covers an area of ​​4,600 km². Ice on the surface of Taimyr has been around for 9 months. This is the main feature of the reservoir. Among the local flora there are many arctic species of fish - muksun, whitefish, char, others. Migratory birds, such as geese and red-breasted geese, have chosen islands on the lake. These are great places to nest. The Lower Taimyr River flows from Taimyr, and Baikura, Upper, Northern and Western Taimyr flows into it.

Lake Onega

The reservoir area is 9 600 km². The lake is 245 km long and 91 km wide. About 50 rivers flow into the lake, but only one single one flows out - Svir. In total, 1,650 islands are spread across the island. Their total area is 224 km². A museum has been opened on one of the islands called Kizhi. The reservoir is home to 47 species of fish. The most valuable of them are eel, pike perch, sterlet, trout, salmon. For this reason, industrial fishing is very well developed here.

Ladoga lake

The three largest lakes in our country are opened by Lake Ladoga. In Europe, it is also the largest freshwater reservoir. Its area is 18,000 km². From west to east, the lake stretches 138 km, from north to south - 219 km, the largest depth - 230 meters.

Only one river flows from this reservoir - the Neva, and about 40 streams and rivers flow into it. The largest of which are Baalam, Kilpola and Riekkalansari. Ladoga ringed seal is found in the lake. This is the only representative of the pinnipeds, which is listed in the Red Book and is under protection.


In second place ranking is majestic Baikal. This is the largest natural reservoir of water in the world, where 19% of all fresh water on Earth is concentrated. And it’s the deepest on the planet. Its maximum depth is 1,642 meters. The width of the lake is 80 km, the length is 636 km.

Throughout this vast territory there are 27 islands and peninsulas. The Holy Nose Peninsula is the largest of them. Only about 500 streams and rivers flow into Lake Baikal. The largest of them are Thuya, Turk, Upper Angara, Selenga. Angara is the only river flowing from the lake. Baikal has very clear water. The fauna and flora of the reservoir is clearly visible even at a depth of 40 meters. The animal world is diverse - about 2,600 species.

Caspian Sea

The incredible size is indicated by the name of this lake. The area of ​​the largest lake in Russia is 371,000 km²; the depth of more than 1,000 meters is located in the region of the South Caspian Depression. The Caspian Sea is 500 km wide and nearly 1,200 km long.

In ancient times, Caspian tribes lived on the shore of the lake. Presumably in honor of these tribes, this pond got its name. The shores of 5 states are washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea - Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Kazakhstan. 130 rivers flow into the lake. The largest of them are the Urals, Samur, Sulak, Volga.

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