The most unusual museums in the world

One of the directions in the field of culture is museum business. A visit to the museum is associated with order and boredom. However, there are such unusual establishments on the planet where any visitor will remain impressed.

Museum of the Dead

The unusual museum of the world is daily visited by hundreds of tourists who believe in life after death. The conductor of the mysterious place is the abbot of the ancient church, which is located in Rome and stores mystical artifacts. No one shows tourists any documents that confirm the fact of the arrival of the souls of the deceased to the living. Therefore, everyone has to believe the words of Del Sacro Cuore, the rector of this church, who will tell many mystical stories related to the world of the dead.

Visitors to the museum will be able to see the traces of the departed souls that they left on household items. These are prints of feet, hands, fingers left on clothes, lamps, books. This evidence, in the form of exhibits, was brought from all over Italy, as well as from other countries of the world. Taking pictures of mystical artifacts is not prohibited, but as practice shows, the pictures come out fuzzy and blurry. This is explained by the fact that the souls of the dead do not like interference in their world.

Museum of the History of Funeral

Man is not immortal and his life ends sooner or later. In 1992, in Houston, a funeral corporation opened a museum, the only one of its kind. The museum area is more than 3,000 square meters. meters. This is a huge exhibition demonstrating the respectful attitude of mankind to the funeral ceremony. Every year the collection is replenished with new exhibits from around the world.

In this museum you can find out and see how the farewell and funeral of people, politicians, famous stars took place. These are such great people:

  • R. Reagan;
  • E. Presley;
  • M. Jackson;
  • A. Lincoln;

The whole museum is divided into rooms. One of them is dedicated to the funeral of the Pope, a small hall is allocated to the Unknown Soldier, in the next hall you can see different coffins - in the form of birds, fish, cars, etc. Here you can also see hearse, which were at all times, ranging from chic limousines to wooden carts, you can visit the undertaker's workshop.

Death museum

Another unusual museum was opened on Hollywood Boulevard in 1995. This institution continues the theme of death and the mystery of being. At this place, exhibits are collected that recreate real scenes of murders.

Some visitors shudder and are horrified at the sight of rooms and halls, the walls of which are hung with photographs that depict terrible crimes, and funeral paraphernalia is placed around. Visitors who have strong nerves can watch a video with real events of killings and deaths of people. Fainting visitors from what they saw is the real everyday life of this unusual museum in Los Angeles. But at the same time, the owners of the museum do not complain about the lack of visitors.

UFO Museum

In 1947, in Roswell, USA, some sort of aircraft crashed, which the locals took for an unidentified flying object. And military officials claim that this is an air probe and nothing more. To this day, disputes are ongoing regarding this apparatus and event. A museum dedicated to unidentified flying objects and directly to the 1947 event was opened in Roswell.

In the halls of the museum, surviving parts of an unidentified aircraft are presented, newspaper clippings, photographs of that event, military reports, testimonies and eyewitness accounts are collected. There are even drawings of ancient people, who back in those times drew some astronauts. In one of the halls of the museum, lectures and seminars are held on UFOs.

Hair museum

An interesting museum with its touching history is located in Turkey. And the history of this museum is as follows ...

A young Turkish man worked as a potter. He was very in love with a girl who was about to leave. Therefore, the guy was upset and depressed. Before leaving, the girl gave her beloved a strand of her hair as a memory of their feelings. Since then, a strand of blonde hair has been hanging in a workshop in a prominent place. And it happened in 1979. An adult master sometimes told this story to visitors. And the women who were very impressed with this story left strands of their hair with leaves on which their address was indicated.

Over the years, a lot of samples of strands cut from different people have accumulated in the workshop. And one day in the city of Avanos, a hair museum was opened, in which today there are about 16,000 female locks of hair with addresses attached to them, which hung all the walls. This collection is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Underwater museum

At the bottom of the Caribbean, in Cancun is one of the most extraordinary museums. To visit which you must go down under the water, where at a depth of about 10 meters there are sculptures of people made of special material. The number of exhibits is more than 400. Such a spectacle is not forgotten and leaves underwater visitors a lot of emotions and impressions.

These sculptures were lowered to create an artificial reef. Now in the nature of Mexico, he plays an important role. The authors of this unusual museum wanted to convey to humanity the existing problem of environmental protection.

Museum of Dreams

In St. Petersburg, the installation of the founder of psychoanalysis Z. Freud, dedicated to dreams and his theories, has been opened. Freud did not consider the dream as any nonsense. Museum visitors easily abandon everyday worries and troubles and seem to plunge into someone's dream, trying to unravel and understand the essence of the objects seen.

The space of the museum, located at the Institute of Psychoanalysis, is immersed in twilight and it seems to visitors that they are part of a dream woven from someone else's illusions and various images.

Museum of Laughter

For those who find the Freudian theories too tiring, you should visit the Wiesbaden Laughter Museum, which is located in Germany. The guides of this museum are funny clowns who give visitors a change of shoes - slippers in the form of funny animals. This museum has collected exhibits from around the planet, which are the subject of raffles. And in combination with cute photographs on the walls, visitors simply cannot be gloomy and sad here.

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