TOP 20 most dangerous dog breeds in the world

Man brought up many different breeds of dogs. Some breeds were bred for beauty, others became the embodiment of specific features. But be that as it may, the dog was originally descended from a wolf, a predatory and ferocious animal. And aggression in the dog is present in any case, which makes it dangerous for society. In some breeds, aggression was specially cultivated, because a good guard, defender or hunter cannot be complaisant and soft.

It should always be remembered that each dog has its own character, and any harmless cur can make aggressive education wrong. And at the same time, an evil pit bull terrier can become loyal and quite adequate with a loving owner and the right trainings. Therefore, much depends on the circumstances and living conditions of the dog. Any dog ​​can become aggressive if it is embittered for a long time, starved, beaten. Then the animal becomes a danger to everyone around and it does not matter what breed it is. The reader will be presented to the TOP 10 most dangerous dogs.

Pit bull

The first place in the nomination "The most dangerous dog in the world" is assigned to the American pit bull terrier. Pit Bull is known for his bullying and aggression. And this is no accident, because initially the dog was bred specifically for participation in dog fights. It is not easy to buy a purebred pit bull, in some countries this breed is completely prohibited. Is it worth it to get such a breed of dog if its aggression is manifested not only to other animals, but also to family members, including the owner.


The second place in its danger is the rottweiler. This is a good guard, a good shepherd, but initially she was also bred to participate in battles. This is a strong, hardy and cunning dog, able to show aggression to other animals, as well as to people and to his family.

German Shepherd

The third most dangerous German Shepherd. She is distinguished by intelligence, resentment and excellent ability to train. This is a common breed of dog that is used as an escort, a guard due to ease of training and the ability to attack people. She can take revenge on someone who offends her master and is able to protect him from the aggression of other animals and people.


Husky takes fourth place as the most dangerous dog. These loving, charming, beautiful and fashionable dogs can now be bought from breeders and in kennels. But if a person invades a territory controlled by a husky, she, due to all her excellent qualities, is able to easily attack an uninvited guest. The same outcome will be if this guest is aggressively opposed to her master, or by some actions takes her and the master out of the usual state of balance and love.


The top ten most dangerous dogs in the world are wolfhounds. This breed of dogs, like husky dogs, is currently popular. Buy them in nurseries for a lot of money. It is worth thinking carefully before buying such a dog, especially for families with small children. This breed was bred for official purposes. The hybrid of the wolf and the dog is unpredictable, sudden outbreaks of aggression are possible, behavior can be unpredictable, attacks on animals and people, including family members, are possible.


The Alaskan Malamute takes the honorable sixth place in danger. This strong dog with increased activity was created for harnessing. It comes from a wolf. Currently, this breed is very popular and fashionable. The cost of a malamute puppy in the kennels of large cities reaches tens of thousands of rubles.Possible aggression and excessive activity often lead to problems with unfamiliar passers-by, damage to household property and uncontrolled attacks on smaller animals.


The most dangerous dogs in the world include the Doberman, which ranks seventh in the rating. The objects of aggression of this fourth friend are usually people. Doberman is easy to train, very attached to the owner. This is a pretty strong and very smart dog. This breed of dog can be aggressive from birth. But with the right approach in her education, it is easy to direct all aggression and natural activity in the right direction. Dobermans are in demand and actively sold. An elite dog costs tens of thousands of rubles.

Chow chow

A dog with a long history of breeding, of Chinese origin, takes eighth place in terms of danger. Chow-chow hates small animals. During the game can respond with uncontrolled aggression. Due to its incontinence, it is not recommended to start this breed for families with small children.

In a Chow Chow family, he himself chooses a host. The dog will listen exclusively to him and become devoted only to him. The rest of the family she will be treated mediocre. Currently, the breed is actively bred, and you can purchase it, both from individuals and in the nursery. The price of puppies depends on a number of factors.

German dog

The penultimate place was taken by the Great Dane. In appearance, dogs do not look aggressors. They move beautifully, very elegant and noble. Great Dane - a large dog, whose growth reaches 80 centimeters at the withers. They breed them in nurseries and they cost a lot of money. Due to its large parameters in weight, height and strength, even playing with it is unsafe. A four-legged friend can easily knock an adult down and not even understand what happened. Not to mention the children. It is necessary to train a dog from puppyhood, because an adult dog of this breed is difficult to educate.


In honor of last place is a boxer. This breed is currently not very common, but still it is quite affordable. Compact, smooth-haired dog with strong bones. This is a playful and active friend of a person, but there are cases of a sudden attack of a dog on a stranger, as well as other small animals.

Gul dong

Gul dong or, as it is also called, the Pakistani bulldog is bred mainly in northern India and Pakistan. In Europe, this breed is rare. These dogs are strong and smart. Among the main character traits, dominance and aggressiveness are distinguished. For its owner, the Pakistani bulldog will become a true friend and protector. But they are not recommended to start in families where there are small children, because of how they can show their aggression towards them.


This breed belongs to the hunting and was first bred in Central Africa. Due to the unusual shape of the larynx, such dogs do not bark, but make special sounds, more like rumbling. Therefore, the second name of the basenji is an African dog without a bark. Representatives of this breed are active, intelligent and independent. If a dog lacks mental, physical, or social stress, it can become bored and destructive.

Basenji are very attached to their master, and they are wary of strangers. They are recommended to start only strong personalities who can subjugate the basenji. Otherwise, the dog will begin to show another trait of his character - stubbornness. During the walk, the dog must not be released from the leash, otherwise it may chase the cat or small dog, with deplorable consequences for the latter.

Tosa Inu

This breed was bred in Japan specifically for dog fights. Tosa inu are very hardy, stubborn and have a lightning fast reaction. They treat strangers with distrust. If you do not educate him or do it wrong, then they are able to establish their own rules, which will cause the owner inconvenience or even serious problems.

American bandog

Representatives of this breed have excellent health and excellent watchdog qualities. They are smart and physically resilient. She will always be wary of strangers, while she will be kind to her homeworkers.

Cane carso

This breed can be described as powerful, strong and at the same time elegant. The dog needs the right training, otherwise Cane Carso show all his negative character traits. If educated correctly, the pet will be balanced and faithful.

Bull terrier

Representatives of this breed look dangerous and uncontrollable. However, they love their family very much and will never give offense. It is advised to walk it only for adults and only on a leash, as the instinct of persecution is very strong among bull terriers, therefore all small animals on the street are in potential danger.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

This dog is very loyal to its owners, but treat strangers with distrust. They have a well-developed hunting instinct, so during a walk they can chase any animal that appears here. Ridgebacks need daily long walks.


Boerboels or South African mastiffs belong to the guard breeds. Their representatives are brave, strong and always ready to defend their master. Socialization is very important for them, so it is better for novice breeders to refrain from buying boerboel. This is due to the fact that with improper upbringing, they are able to become quite aggressive.

Brazilian fila

Initially, dogs of this breed were used to search for runaway slaves in the rainforests. Later they were hunted for large predators. They were also used as fighting and guard dogs. The Brazilian Fila is the only dog ​​breed in the world that cannot stand the touch of strangers. They are fearless and loyal, but for their aggressive disposition are prohibited in many countries.

Great Canary

Dogs are large and serious breeds. In some countries of the world their import is prohibited by law. Canary Dogs can be called excellent defenders. In these dogs, it is genetically laid to control their territory. Representatives of this breed can be friendly and playful, but as soon as someone visits their territory, they will defend it with special tenacity. At the same time, it will be almost impossible to distract her with anything.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Dogs of this breed are one of the largest in the world. They are advised to start only strong, responsible and strong-willed individuals. The Caucasian Shepherd is very devoted to its owner and will protect him to the last.

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