The most dangerous animals in the world

Every year, millions of people die from various animals and insects on the planet. This is much more than from any wars and car accidents. And one should not think that the most dangerous animal, which should be feared by any means, should be someone the largest, fanged and scary. Everything can be quite the opposite - the biggest one should not be afraid. Therefore, it is advisable to know who is best avoided.

Bicolor pitoo

A two-color pythoha or, as biologists call it, a two-color blackbird flycatcher lives in New Guinea. It looks harmless, very beautiful, you can even stroke. But you can also die from this touch - the feathers of this bird are saturated with poison. This bird is a danger to all living things, including humans, as it contains batrachotoxin, a poison that causes a change in heart rate (fibrillation). When this bird comes into contact with the human body, death may occur or, in the best case, a chemical burn is guaranteed. Small animals are much less lucky - they die almost instantly.

The most amazing thing is that the poison is not produced by the body of the bird, but gets into it by the fact that the two-tone pythoha eats a special kind of insect. These insects are called Choresine pulchra. The bicolor pitochu has developed immunity over these bugs over the years. But the bird itself can poison anyone. Locals of New Guinea consider the two-tone pythoha sacred and do not use it for food.

Cone snail

A conical snail or geographic cone - it looks like a snail, like a snail. It does not look dangerous at all. It would seem that her beware? This is a predator snail and at the same time the most poisonous in the world. In the afternoon she sleeps quietly, and at night she creeps out to hunt. A gaping fish is included in her diet.

When a person tries to take it with his hand, the conical snail throws out its sting in the form of a harpoon. Upon contact with it, a neurotoxin is injected into the human body, which can paralyze a person. And the worst thing is that this poison also paralyzes the lungs of a person who stop pumping air. A paralyzed person in the water, and even unable to breathe ... The outcome is clear. But that's not all. There is simply no antidote for snail venom. And in the event that even a person was delivered to the hospital, then he has to completely transfuse all the blood.

Frog arrow

The arrow frog or the frog frogfish Pumilio lives in the rainforests of Colombia. This frog princess is also the most dangerous animal in the world. Its dimensions are 2-4 cm. It got its name due to the fact that its poison can kill anyone with the same speed and reliability as the arrow that pierced any of the vital organs in a person. When a person touches a frog, he immediately dies.

The tribes next to which these beautiful frogs live know about the dangers of amphibians. People have learned to use poison for their own purposes. They smear the tips of the arrows with frog venom, which increases the effectiveness of the upcoming hunt. The poison at the end of the arrow kills the animal as reliably as the arrow frog itself. Only 3 species of frogs from the “arrow” family are dangerous for human life. All of them are found exclusively in the same - Colombia.


Scorpions are common throughout the planet. Of all these beautiful arthropods, black thick-tailed scorpion is considered dangerous, which can easily kill a camel. Well, a person is not a problem at all. He lives in the United Arab Emirates. Lives in ruins, in holes, under stones. It hunts small vertebrates and insects at night.

5,000 deaths per year. Here is such a joyless neighborhood with scorpions. Its poison can kill an adult in less than seven hours.Children are naturally more susceptible to poison. Adult scorpion sizes up to 12 cm.

Tsetse fly

Death occurs due to the fact that with a bite, a fly infects its victim with a parasite trypanosome. As a result of which there is a sleeping sickness. Sleeping sickness is dangerous because it affects the immune system, and after that the central nervous system.

About 300,000 people die from the Tsetse fly every year. This is not a question of several millions of dying cattle. There is simply no medicine or some kind of antidote. Scientists from all over the world are struggling with the task of destroying and fighting the Tsetse fly, but so far there are no results.

Malaria mosquito

One of the most dangerous animals in the world and the curse of our species are mosquitoes. Malaria mosquitoes are carriers of malaria. About 2 million people die from malaria every year! This is more than from car accidents and natural disasters combined.


This is an active toothy predator. The main food of the crocodile is fish, turtles, monkeys, wild boars and even deer. A tragic meeting often takes place at the moment when the crocodile is looking for lunch, and the victim came to a watering place. Like a real hunter, a crocodile behaves very wisely and cunningly. The victim can take him for a log in the water. Only some parts of the body are visible on the surface of the water. With a sufficient approximation of the victim, he rushes, grabs it and drags to the bottom.

Crocodiles can also have lunch with humans, but they rarely attack on land. Most often this happens when a person is not alert. If a crocodile attacked a person in the water, then he will face the same fate described earlier.

Great White Shark

The most dangerous of all sharks, not only for humans, but also for other creatures on the planet, is the great white shark. In length reaches up to 11 meters. She has a good sense of smell, which helps her find food at a very great distance.

The teeth of this huge fish are sharp as a blade. She can easily bite a person in half. This large fish is considered the most important predator of the ocean.

Australian jellyfish

This is the most poisonous jellyfish on the planet. Australian jellyfish venom can kill 60 people in 3 minutes. The Australian jellyfish was also dubbed the sea wasp. The jellyfish is even more dangerous because, due to its transparency, it is almost invisible in water.

The venom of a sea wasp simultaneously affects all organs:

  • heart;
  • skin
  • nervous system.

Cases have been recorded when people died 3-5 minutes after contact with a jellyfish. Therefore, it is impossible to help a person in such cases.

Black Widow

The poison of the Black Widow is 15 times stronger than the poison of a rattlesnake. One 1 gram of the poison of this spider is enough for the death of 10 adults. If a bitten person is not provided with medical care, then death can occur within a few days.

Adult spiders reach up to 2 cm in length. The dull, black color makes it doubly dangerous. The Black Widow spider lives in the steppe and desert of Central Asia, less often these spiders are found in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

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