13 best-selling books in the world
Since the time people learned to print, books began to be traded. At first they were quite expensive, and were sold in one copy. But the development of industry and technology has led to millions of copies of books. As a result, the works of many authors scattered across the planet. In everyday life, the word "bestseller" arose, which means not the number of published, but the number of books sold. We offer you a list containing the titles and a brief description of the most sold books in the world.
The Bible is the world's best-selling book ever.
For clear reasons, Scripture continues to be a strong leader among all books sold in the world. The Bible has been translated into more than 2000 languages. The annual sales volume is about 100 thousand copies, and about 4 billion have been published over the past 50 years.
Alchemist, Paulo Coelho - one of the best-selling books in the world
When creating the Alchemist, Paulo Coelho probably used the ancient knowledge of the craftsmen of alchemy - how else can you explain such impressive editions of the novel in Portuguese, released in 1986, and translated into English only seven years later? With all the artistic merits of the novel, critics note that interest in it is largely due to the upcoming film adaptation of the film, work on which began in 1994, but so far almost nothing is known about the future film.
Best-Selling Children's Book: The Little Prince, Antoine Saint-Exupery
During his relatively short life, Exupery managed a lot. He was a journalist, successful science fiction writer, pilot. His first manuscript was noticed and marked. Nevertheless, the writer went down in history as the author of The Little Prince, the most popular book for children and adults.
Top Selling Love Book: Gone With the Wind, M. Mitchell
An epic novel about love and war, even during the life of a writer, became one of the absolute best-sellers. The film, based on the book back in 1939, is also greatly appreciated by the audience. The work today continues to contribute to the fame of the author. This is evidenced by the 33 millionth edition of the novel.
J.R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings is one of the fantasy books on offer.
The story of the little hobbits is the most liked book of some generations. The success of the film, shot by Peter Jackson, led to the fact that over the past decade, sales of the novel almost doubled and amounted to more than 100 million books.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, D. Rowling
J.K. Rowling began writing the book in 1990. She surprised all readers with the idea of a work where the little boy Harry Potter is endowed with magical possibilities. The story “Philosopher's Stone” tells the story of the life of an eleven-year-old orphan who suddenly notices his magical power. The manuscript was first published on June 26, 1997 by the London Bloomsbury Publishing House and a film of the same name was made based on it. In America, both the book and the film appeared under the name “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.
A. Christie, 10 Little Indians - Top Selling Detective
“10 Little Indians” - a novel that had a huge impact on the style of the Hollywood thriller. An attacker invisible to the public, whose presence, however, is felt; events occurring in accordance with the plan conceived by the villain, action in a limited space, cross-references from one character to another, the general atmosphere of paranoia - in short, perfect murder.
"Inferno", D. Brown - the best-selling book of 2018
Brown, engrossed in conspiracies, secrets, and other highly cultured paranoia, was a fairly successful author when he wrote The Code.A manuscript about the Holy Grail, published as a continuation of the previous novel Angels and Demons, made the world go crazy. About ten years have passed since that moment. Brown's fashion seems to have disappeared, but his recent Inferno novel last spring unceremoniously knocked out competitors from all possible sales lists.
S. Dickens, “A Tale of Two Cities”
In this novel, released in 1859, Dickens, a recognized classic of world literature, studies the class struggle that caused the French Revolution. The British was one of the very first among the rulers of literary thoughts who suggested that revolutionaries often behave much worse than representatives of the hated bourgeoisie. “It was the most delightful time, it was the most unfortunate time,” Dickens wrote in The Tale.
“Insatiable curiosity. How I Became a Scientist, ”R. Dawkins
The popular world, tireless activists of science and fighters against religion ... Richard Dawkins liked to write about this and much more. About memes, genes, animals, whose in-depth phenotype enables them to transform the nature around them. And only Dawkins did not write about himself.
D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"
The book "The Catcher in the Rye" was published in 1951, after which it became the most forbidden book in the United States, but in the sixties it received a truly cult status.
Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
The eternal masterpiece of Miguel de Cervantes tells the story of a Spaniard who was so fascinated by the chivalrous romance that he himself decided to become a respectable knight. "The cunning hidalgo Don Quixote Lamanch" was first published in 1612, and this book, as they say, attracted an incredible amount of reading public.
C. Larrington, “Winter Is Coming: The Medieval World of Game of Thrones”
The epic of a foreign writer J.R. R. Martin caused a real revolution in the minds of the audience. Many of them several years ago swore that they could not put up with fantasy, but now they are together discussing ice dragons, zombies and complex relationships in the incredible kingdom.
Having grown up, we are also closely associated with literature, we will definitely find moments of free time for our favorite reading. And while society has overtaken technical progress between gadgets and the World Wide Web, we still leave a little time for books, as they are an oasis of our inner world, with its dreams and fantasies.
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