The largest aircraft in the world: TOP-10 leaders in the list of giant aircraft
Since ancient times, mankind has dreamed of flying like birds. Even in ancient times, people envied the inhabitants of the skies soaring in the air. And today you will not surprise anyone with winged machines that are able to quickly deliver by air "roads" to anywhere in the world. Let us not fly like birds, but have the opportunity to fly on the largest aircraft. Today we will talk about the largest aircraft in the world. And you can choose which of the giants is suitable for your air travel.
AN - 20
AN-20 is the largest and largest aircraft of its time, with a wingspan of 63 meters and a passenger capacity of 48 people. This aircraft was created in the USSR at an aircraft factory in the city of Voronezh, in 1934. This aircraft is the development of a brilliant aircraft designer - Tupolev A.N. In 1935, during a demonstration flight with the participation of the I-5, AN-20 fighter, it crashed over the village. As a result of the crash, 49 people died. Therefore, this model did not have a big life story.
Boeing - 747 LCF
Boeing 747 is a transport aircraft with a transport compartment volume of 1840 m³. This aircraft is designed to transport spare parts for Boeing 787 aircraft, which are produced by third-party suppliers. This aircraft looks ugly. Today, only 4 Boeing aircraft are operated - 747 LCF.
Boeing - 747-8
Boeing - 747-8 - airliner for transporting passengers. Today, this aircraft is the longest (76.4 m) passenger aircraft. The Boeing 747-8 is the new generation of the Boeing 747 series. It features an elongated fuselage, an advanced wing model and economic efficiency. The length and height of this large aircraft is 76 meters and 19 meters, respectively, and the wingspan is 68.5 meters.
Boeing 747
Until recently, the Boeing 747 was considered the largest passenger aircraft in the world. This aircraft can accommodate 624 travelers on board. But more recently, the Boeing 747 ceased to occupy a leading position, it pushed Airbus A380. Although today the Boeing 747 does not take first place, it still remains one of the most gigantic aircraft in the world.
AN - 22
AN - 22 - transport aircraft. This aircraft is called "Antaeus", in honor of the mythological ancient Greek invincible giant. AN-22 is today the largest turboprop aircraft in the world. This aircraft was designed by aircraft designer Antonov OK AN-22 has a very long track record: it was used to transport goods during the Afghan war, to liquidate the terrible accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, to transport refugees and military personnel, etc. AN - 22 - unpretentious in operation and reliable device, is a real airplane-worker.
AN - 124
AN-124 is one of the leading five of the largest aircraft in the world, and before the creation of the Airbus A380 was considered the largest serial aircraft. But the honored titles - the largest military aircraft and the most load-carrying air transport are still assigned to the AN - 124. The length and height of this aircraft is 69 meters and 21 meters respectively, and the wingspan of giant wings is 73 meters. Designer and developer O.K. Antonov called this plane "Ruslan". Today, the release of this aircraft has been suspended, as it was decided that the existing fleet of AN-124 aircraft to be released needs to be modernized.
Airbus - A380
Airbus - A380 - a giant modern passenger aircraft, which is produced in series.Looking at this airship, it’s hard to believe that such a huge device can take off. The length and height of the airliner are 73 meters and 24 meters, respectively, and the wingspan is 80 meters. Airbus A380 is an aircraft that can carry 853 passengers. Aircraft designers have been developing this model for more than 10 years and spent $ 12 billion. This luxury aircraft can be found in private possessions. For example, the Saudi prince spent $ 488 million to build a private passenger airliner.
Airbus - A340-600
Airbus - A340-600 - is the representative of the largest passenger aircraft in the world. The length of the giant aircraft is 75.36 meters, height - 17 meters. The passenger capacity of this representative of the Airbus family is 475 people, and the top speed reaches 900 km / h. Airplanes of this type were produced until 2011, but still continue to carry passengers to different countries. To all the advantages of this device, you can add that five units were lost during the entire operation, and no one was hurt.
AN - 225
AN-225 is today the largest and largest cargo plane in the world. With this powerful aircraft you can transport various heavy loads that no other aircraft can lift into the air. This plane is also called "Mriya." The length and height of this cargo plane is 84 meters and 18 meters, respectively, and the wingspan of giant wings is 88.5 meters. The load capacity of Mriya reaches 250 tons. This airship made its first flight in 1988 in the month of December. And in 2018, this aircraft set another record - spent thirteen hours in the air with cargo without landing and covered 9,800 kilometers. The largest and most impressive aircraft AN - 225 is still in a single copy.
Stratolaunch is a modern giant plane. Unlike the AN - 225, the Stratolaunch does not fly yet. The first demonstration of this carrier aircraft took place in May 2017. Stratolaunch - an 1173-meter wingspan. The developers claim that this model is designed to deliver satellites to the stratosphere. This type of transport will be much more economical and reliable than missiles. The exact date for the new Stratolaunch test flights has not yet been announced. Designers are confident that this unit will enter operation in the next decade.
You can evaluate the dimensions of aircraft in different ways. In our review, we presented the top ten largest and largest aircraft in the world, but you can arrange what place this or that aircraft will take. For example, to give priority to the length of the device or the wingspan, and maybe the carrying capacity or passenger capacity. But one thing is clear that these giant aircraft impress with their parameters.
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