TOP 10 longest bridges in the world
Many still consider the bridge a simple engineering structure of a relatively small size. However, there are incredibly long bridges, the length of which is tens and even hundreds of kilometers. Such designs are surprising and delighted. Therefore, today we suggest considering the TOP-10 of the longest bridges in the world.
10.Viaduct through the swamp Manchak (USA)
Opens a list of the longest bridges in the world Viaduct across the Manchak swamp, 36.71 km long. Its width is 95 meters, and the piles have a height of as much as 76 meters above the level of the swamp. The bridge is located in southeastern Louisiana. The opening took place back in 1979, and a little more than $ 7 million was spent on construction.
Note that the bridge is a two-story structure through which the highway is laid. According to statistics, at least 2500 cars pass through it every day.
9. A dam over Lake Ponchartrain (Louisiana, USA)
The incredible size of the dam bridge is the second in the world that lies above the water. In addition, it is called the longest bridge in all of North America. Its length is 38.422 km. It passes over Lake Ponchartrain and connects the cities of Metairie and Mandeville.
The construction of this bridge began back in 1948. A few years later, namely in 1956, the opening of the bridge, consisting of two rows, took place. The cost of the entire structure amounted to 55 million dollars.
What is noteworthy is that the bridge has never been damaged, despite the natural disasters inherent in this region. In addition, a collision with cargo ships occurred three times. However, the bridge was not substantially damaged. Such safety and special reliability are provided by nine thousand concrete piles.
8.Peking Viaduct (China)
The length of the Beijing viaduct is 48.153 km. Like many other bridges, it is part of the high-speed railway and connects Beijing and Shanghai. The construction of the bridge was completed in 2010, and the opening for use took place in 2011.
7. Bang Na Highway (Thailand)
This design is a bridge-type structure in Bangkok. The highway consists of as many as six lanes for car traffic. Its length is 54 km.
The construction of the highway began in 1995 and was completed in 2000. The opening for public use took place in the same year. But we note that the main goal of the construction was to combat traffic jams at the entrance to the city. Therefore, the passage on the bridge is paid. The construction cost amounted to more than 1 billion dollars.
6.Hongkong Bridge - Zhuhai - Macau
The construction of this bridge took quite a lot of time, namely 8 years (2009-2017). Only in 2018, a bridge was opened that connects as many as three megacities - Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. It is he who is rightly called the longest sea bridge. After all, its length is 55 km.
It is very unusual that the design itself includes not only a bridge, but also three artificial islands and even a tunnel, which is located under water. Its length reaches 7 km. Thanks to the construction of the bridge, the duration of the trip from Hong Kong to Zhuhai is only 30 minutes. Whereas previously it was necessary at least three hours. The cost of this bridge is at least $ 20 billion.
5.A bridge over Wei (China)
The famous bridge, which is distinguished by its length of 79.732 km, crosses the Wei River twice. It also passes over beautiful lakes, rivers and broadband roads. The bridge is part of the railway and connects the cities of Xi'an and Zhengzhou.
The construction of the bridge was completed in 2008, but it was opened for use only in 2010. According to experts, the cost of construction amounted to at least 5.4 billion dollars.
4.Chandei Viaduct (China)
The fourth place in the list of the longest bridges in the world is occupied by the Changdean Viaduct, located in China. Its length is 105.81 km. The bridge is part of the high-speed railway and connects Beijing and Shanghai. Specialists note that especially durable materials were used for construction. Thanks to this, the bridge will be able to transfer even seismic activity.
3.Tianjin Viaduct (China)
The incredibly long Tianjin Viaduct has a length of 113.7 km. It is also part of the high-speed railway that connects Beijing and Shanghai, namely the cities of Langfang and Qingxian.
The construction of the bridge took only two years (2008-2010), and already in 2011 it was put into operation. Since it starts near the train station in Beijing, it is especially popular with tourists.
2.Zhanghua-Kaohsiung Viaduct (Taiwan)
Just a few meters, the Zhanghua-Kaohsiung Viaduct Bridge is inferior to the longest in the world. Its length is 157, 31 km. The bridge is part of the Taiwan High Speed Railway, which runs on the west side.
The opening of this bridge for operation was in 2007. Experts noted that it is resistant to earthquakes, so the trains will always be safe. By 2012, more than 200 million passengers passed through the bridge.
1. Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct (China)
The longest bridge in Asia and in the world - Danyang-Kunshansky is striking in its scale. Its length is 164.8 km, so it was entered in the Guinness Book of Records.
The bridge is part of the high-speed railway and connects Beijing with Shanghai. Its construction began in 2008 and ended in 2010. In just two years, it was erected over rice fields, small rivers, canals and lakes. Of the entire length, about 9 km of the bridge is located above the water. In addition, the bridge crosses the largest body of water - Yangcheng Lake in Suzhou.
The opening took place in 2011 and since then the bridge has been functioning. According to various estimates, the project cost amounted to about 8.5 billion dollars.
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