Garson haircut - a bright touch in the manifestation of style and female personality
Until recently, it was believed that long, well-groomed hair is something that every girl should strive for. Now the fashion rules have changed, and stylists are not tired of repeating that the main thing is to show individuality and choose a haircut that suits you. With its help, you can set the character to any image, add a touch of romance or emphasize a daring style. Therefore, more and more often you can see a very unusual, but at the same time, an original haircut. It is quite versatile and allows many different styling options.
Who is the Garcon haircut for?
As mentioned above, the Garson haircut is universal and suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age. We especially recommend that owners of a triangular shape of the face take a closer look at this option. It is in this case that a haircut will fit as much as possible and emphasize facial features. Girls with a round shape will also suit this option. But experts recommend making a haircut with a volume on the crown and a slightly elongated bang. Then the image will be more harmonious and modern.
Girls who have a square-shaped face should choose this haircut only with the condition of cutting their bangs. Otherwise, there is a risk that the image will not be suitable. In turn, the owners of the oval face can safely experiment with the image, including making a haircut. It looks very beautiful, stylish and modern.
In addition, a haircut is perfect for fragile girls of small stature. Thanks to this physique, the image will turn out to be a little bolder or even bold. But remember that it all depends on the chosen hair length.
Separately, it is worth noting that the best Garison haircut looks on smooth hair. But this does not mean at all that the owners of curls or romantic curls should not experiment. In this case, the main thing is to choose the appropriate length and proportion of the haircut. Only under this condition the image will be amazingly beautiful, as in the photo!
The main types of haircuts
Before you go to the salon for a haircut, we recommend that you carefully consider what kind of garcon you plan to do. After all, the length of the hair, the variety of styling and your image as a whole depend on this. If necessary, you can consult with a stylist who will certainly help you and determine the most suitable option.
Classic haircut
This version of the haircut involves milled strands and cut hair on the sides, as well as on the back of the head. In this case, it is very important that the contours of the hairstyle are as clear and even as possible. Thanks to this, the haircut gently adheres to the head, and the image will immediately look elegant and feminine.
Ultra Short Garcon
Quite unusual, but at the same time, the original short haircut is most suitable for girls with sophisticated facial features. Due to this, the image turns out to be sweet, gentle or cocky. It all depends on the chosen styling.
As for the features of the haircut, the first thing to note is the length of the strands. It is minimal on the back of the head and waxes, in addition, it has quite clear, even lines. Bangs in this case are not required, but if it suits you by type of face, then feel free to experiment. However, do not forget that such a haircut requires regular correction. All because the hair grows fast enough, and the "ultra-short garcon" does not involve long strands.
Extended Garcon
For those who are not yet ready for a radical change of image, we offer to make an extended haircut for the garcon. This option looks no less attractive.In addition, styling options will be much more. It is also worth noting that owners of curly or curly hair should choose an elongated haircut. In this case, the tips can be not only flat, but also milled. In the latter version, the hairstyle will be a little more voluminous and magnificent.
Garson haircut: execution technique and styling methods
Haircuts alone are not considered too complicated. But at the same time, it is very important that an experienced craftsman do it. Otherwise, the hair may not have the correct position, which in general will adversely affect the overall appearance of the haircut. The process uses tools such as hairdressing clips, comb, straight scissors and for thinning.
The whole process of cutting can be divided into several important stages. First, the master divides all the hair into four zones. This is the occipital, two temporal and parietal. Since the work starts from the back of the head, it is better to stab all other hair with clips. Then they are divided by a vertical parting into two parts. One of them is immediately sheared to the desired length and is edged.
The next stage is the processing of the entire occipital region. In the process, the master focuses on the control strand, so this is done quickly enough.
Then you can proceed to the temporal zone. To do this, the first strand should be pulled from the ear parallel to the growth of hair and only then cut. The rest of the hair is cut according to the graduation principle.
The last stage is the cutting of the parietal zone. Hair is divided into thin strands with partings and only after that they can be cut. As for the length, you should focus on the last strand in the temporal zone. Also, if desired, you can make bangs and profile hair.
The process of styling this haircut is as simple as possible, so you definitely do not have to spend too much time. To achieve slight negligence, simply apply a little foam, whisk the strands and blow dry. This method is suitable for any type of haircut.
Owners of an extended haircut should buy a round comb, which will greatly simplify the styling process.
Garson haircut: stylish images in the photo
A universal haircut out of age is a garcon. As you can see, this option is suitable for absolutely everyone. It just needs to be adjusted based on your own data. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment with the image and try new haircuts for yourself.
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