Sultanite: properties and significance of the stone, compatibility with the zodiac signs
Jewelers characterize sultanite as a chameleon mineral. That's because, depending on the lighting, it can change its shade. This is its value - the specific ability to transform, unusual beauty, which strikes with its brilliance and a variety of shades.
Even in ancient scriptures, the first mention of sultanite was found, and even then the stone was actively used in jewelry. They were decorated with the clothes of the Sultans, he was given to concubines and wives. This is where the “Russian" name of the mineral came from. But he has other names - Zultanit, Tanatarit, Diaspora. In Greek, the name of the stone is translated as - scattering light with a pearlescent shade.
Varieties of Sultanite
It is difficult to characterize sultanite in any one shade. Depending on the degree of illumination, the breed plays with all kinds of bright colors. Light green stone seems in the twilight. This color is very similar to the shade of young grass.
When bright illumination falls on the gem, its hue turns into brown, amber, light yellow, khaki. The amount of impurities present in the rock is directly related to the color of sultanite. The stone contains iron, chromium, manganese. Which of the listed elements is greater, so will the shade of the mineral - brown, raspberry, pink, purple.
At first glance, the breed is very reminiscent of multi-colored glass. In physical properties it also has a weak and brittle structure. This complicates the process of stone processing - its grinding, cutting. Careless work and action with the stone entails the splitting of the mineral. It instantly crumbles into small pieces and turns into powder.
Sultanite is classified as corundum by its chemical composition. It also has a high water content. With the right cut of the breed, you can get a gem of no more than 25 carats in size. It is impossible to see any blotches under special devices - it is absolutely clean and perfect.
The healing properties of sultanite
Sultanite, like a stone with some healing properties, does not attract the interest of lithotherapists. But, despite this, examining the mineral can be distracted for a long time from everyday troubles and problems. Admiring the hours of its bewitching beauty and unusual game of all kinds of colors, a person really rises his mood.
The magical properties of the mineral
As a talisman, stone has been used since ancient times. Sultanite, framed in silver, possesses the most powerful magical properties. Such a talisman protects his master from love spells, slander, evil eye and other negative energy.
Creative people such talismans are very helpful. They are recommended to be carried with musicians, poets, writers. Thanks to the talisman, a person's ability to philosophy is revealed, intelligence, non-standard thinking develops. With such a companion, you can take on any undertakings, even initially doomed to failure, as well as boldly move forward.
In their witchcraft affairs, the mineral is often used by psychics, magicians, fortunetellers. Peering into the structure of the stone, they predict the fate of a person, help get rid of diseases and troubles.
You should be careful with sultanite jewelry. If the stone in the ring, earrings suddenly breaks or bursts - this is a bad sign, portending a serious illness or some kind of trouble. Therefore, to avoid this, you must be careful.
This ability of the mineral to warn its owner about upcoming diseases and troubles is priceless.There is no better defender against negative energy, a patron, assistant, than sultanite. It is imperative to purchase it if it is allowed by the zodiac sign. Life will become brighter and happier in a couple of days after the purchase.
Zodiac Signs
For the fire signs of the zodiac, sultanite is ideal. He will give Aries patience, joy, innocence, a sharp mind, harmony and calm. The mineral will help reveal hidden talents and develop extrasensory perception.
With sultanite, Taurus will always know exactly when and how to behave. He helps this zodiac sign to arrange personal life.
Mineral astrologers do not recommend wearing airborne zodiac signs. The stone is able to turn these creative natures into a moral and material spender. The twins are a little pessimistic by nature, and the sultanite is a source of optimism. Therefore, do not connect these two opposites.
Watermarks of the Zodiac, in particular, Cancer, should not wear sultanite. This sign looks at life without pink glasses, soberly. And the mineral contradicts these properties.
In lions, stone is able to awaken hidden talents. He will give this zodiac sign confidence and will help in all endeavors.
Daydreaming and romanticism with sultanite will be acquired by the Virgin and Scorpio. The mineral will help you choose the right paths and determine life priorities.
Changeable energy is peculiar to Libra. Sultanite will correct it, give the sign a stable character, help you choose the right path and determine life priorities.
Sultanite will help archers to reveal talents. The stone will give the representatives of this sign balance and that which they most lack in everyday life is patience. Constant contact with the stone will increase intuition and to some extent help to become psychic.
As an amulet, Sultanite can be worn by Capricorns. He will give romantic moods, daydreaming. Capricorns with a stone will become harmonious and more practical personalities.
To reduce the pragmatic life approach to life, stone will help Aquarius. This zodiac sign appears dreamy, cheerful, emotional emancipation.
Fish are not at all compatible with sultanite. The dreaminess of the stone will only interfere with the sobriety of the mind of this zodiac sign. These are contradictory natures.
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