Agate: the magical and healing properties of stone, a variety to suit
A variety of chalcedony is agate, which is considered an ornamental stone. It is a mineral with a striped structure and interspersed. This agate differs from other minerals.
Some mineralogists believe that agate is a precious stone, while others attribute it to semiprecious minerals. Agate has a huge number of varieties. Stone is mined on all continents, which makes its cost affordable. But not only the attractive price explains the popularity of the mineral. The fact is that agate has magical and healing properties. Hence, such an increased demand.
Types of stone
Agate has more than a hundred varieties. Their bulk has a striped color and consists of layers. The color palette is quite diverse.
In jewelry, the following types of agates are in demand:
Mossy. The stone has a gray-blue color and blotches that are very similar to moss.Sapphirine. This mineral has a blue tint.Krakle. Other names for this mineral are dragon veins, African agate. Thanks to a special processing method, this stone is highlighted in a separate view. During processing, the agate is heated strongly, and then placed in cold temperatures. As a result, small cracks appear on its surface. If the stone was specially toned prior to such treatment, then the result will be a light shade mineral - African agate. If it is not tinted, then the mineral turns dark and is called the dragon's veins.Fire Agate. The mineral has hematite in its composition. When looking at the stone, it seems that a fire is burning inside.Agate Botswana. Of all the analogues, this is the most expensive mineral. He is of African descent. It may be gray and pink. It is agate Botswana that enjoys the greatest popularity.
Brazilian agate. This mineral has a pattern consisting of thin layers, which are gray, white and brown.Frosty agate. It has in its structure stripes of white or gray shade, resembling a pattern created by frost. Hence the name.
The magical properties of the mineral
Depending on the shade of agate, its magical properties are also determined. Kids need to get white agate. It will protect the child from any negative impact - damage and curses. Such a stone affects the character of the baby, it becomes calm and kind, self-confidence increases.
The sedative properties are gray agate. Such a mineral helps to resolve any conflict.
The blue mineral has magical properties. It is suitable for creative people, as it allows you to strengthen their abilities. Holders of blue agate discover and develop hidden talents.
To improve the financial situation can be used gray-brown agate. A mineral of this color helps to move up the career ladder and attracts money.
A strong talisman is a stone of a brown shade. It protects from ill-wishers, evil eye, damage, evil forces. Yellow agate will relieve mood swings. Also, such a mineral will bring good luck in the trade.
Hidden creative abilities in a person can awaken a gem of a golden hue. Red love will help you find your love. In addition, he can become the protector of the family.
An unstable emotional background normalizes black agate, which is recommended for women to wear. In addition, it positively affects the condition of nails, epidermis and hair.
Esoterics recommend wearing agate in rings, in the form of beads or bracelets.In this form, magical properties wake up in the stone, and its strength is revealed to the maximum. An agate ring should be worn on the index finger.
The healing properties of agate
Since ancient times, agate has been used as an antidote to snake and insect bites. Water was used on this mineral, which was used to neutralize the poison.
Currently, experts in the field of stone therapy advise using agate for poisoning. The stone must be kept in water for several hours, and the infusion obtained should be consumed throughout the day.
Agate has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. It relieves mood swings, insomnia, depression, stress. Therefore, people with mental disorders are strongly advised to use this mineral.
Agate also helps to cope with diseases of the oral cavity and throat. It is recommended to wear the mineral in the form of a necklace or beads. You can use the stone for eye therapy. Due to its natural strength, it helps to cope with cataracts and glaucoma, restores vision.
Among other things, agate increases the protective functions of the body and helps to resist viruses and bacteria.
If a toothache occurs, a mineral must be applied to the problem area. Unpleasant sensations subside after a few minutes.
With gastrointestinal pathologies, it is also recommended to use the healing properties of this mineral.
Zodiac agate compatibility
This mineral is considered an ideal talisman for Cancer. Agate helps representatives of this sign to gain confidence in their own abilities and develop hidden abilities. The stone is considered an excellent antistress and is able to protect its owner from any mental disorders. Agate brings happiness to Cancer, helps to improve life, gives peace and tranquility, teaches you to control your emotions, makes you more courageous.
Agate has a good relationship with Gemini. The stone gives this zodiac sign peace. This is very helpful, because the restless nature of Gemini often prevents you from making informed decisions. For a more complete "work" of the stone, Gemini needs to wear it in a ring on his ring finger.
Agate is recommended to wear and Taurus. The energy of the mineral is great for this zodiac sign and helps people pacify their anger. The stone in the ring is able to attract money and improves the financial well-being of its owner.
Virgins can also use a stone, it will help this sign to find love. Women who wear agate are always in the spotlight.
Horoscope agate suits Libra. It improves the health of a given zodiac sign.
This stone is suitable for almost all signs of the zodiac, except for Aries and Sagittarius, which are not compatible with energy in agate, therefore the mineral can bring only misfortunes to their representatives and change their lives for the worse.
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