The magical and healing properties of chrysolite stone
Chrysolite is one of the oldest minerals. Its name from the ancient Greek language translates as "golden stone." It has unique properties and has a green color with many shades. Geologists call the mineral olivine, and jewelers - peridot. Under artificial lighting, chrysolite changes the shade of its green color. For this property it is also called "evening emerald."
With its charm and attractive power, the stone attracts people from ancient times. The first mention of this mineral dates back to the 4th millennium BC.
Varieties of Chrysolite
Green is the primary color of chrysolite. The stones are mostly transparent, and their shades are pale. Bright are the shades of the gem. Minerals can have streaks or spots, or they can be evenly colored. Also, the cat-eye color is found.
Shades of green chrysolite can be as follows:
An accurate classification of gem species does not currently exist. The value of this mineral depends on the color saturation of the stone. The bulk of the occurring specimens has a light green tint. For jewelers, such stones do not represent any special value. But the following species are preferred:
- Mesa Chrysolite;
- chrysolite with an asterism effect or star chrysolite.
There are two brands of stone quality:
- Mark A. This includes all stones with a yellow-green tint, not having a brown tone.
- Brand B. This brand includes all minerals of a pale shade with visible inclusions.
The healing properties of gems
In medicine, scientific confirmation of the ability of chrysolite to heal a person from any disease does not exist. But proponents of lithotherapy think differently. Since ancient times, many peoples have used chrysolite to treat various diseases.
This stone in lithotherapy is used to:
- Getting rid of nightmares and treating insomnia.
- Heal eye diseases and improve vision. To do this, you need to look at the mineral for a long time.
- Relieving pain in the spine, gall bladder, liver, kidneys, stomach.
- Treatment of the endocrine system, heart and blood vessels, fever, SARS.
- Stuttering treatment. Chrysolite jewelry must always be carried with you.
- Alignment of the hormonal background.
- Pain relief during labor pains during labor.
- Getting rid of migraines and headaches.
- Quick recovery after illness.
Chrysolite powder lithotherapists use to cleanse the blood of toxins and poisons, to relieve pain, improve the health of the body.
The powder obtained from this stone is added to the composition of the ointment intended for the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin ailments.
The magical properties of chrysolite
People from ancient times believed that the Sun gave special power to chrysolite. This power can protect a person from evil spirits. Ancient magicians used charms in which there were chrysolite stones. The magical power of the gem will increase several times if it is framed by gold. Chrysolite differs from other minerals by strong energy and has the following magical properties:
- protects from danger and enemies;
- helps improve male potency, increases attractiveness in the opposite sex, arouses passion;
- endows the owner with insight;
- protects the house from fires;
- helps in court cases;
- develops intuition and mind;
- relieves nervous tension and envy;
- Helps the owner gain a sense of self-esteem;
- relieves from bad dreams;
- protects from bad luck, silly rash acts;
- helps in resolving difficult life situations;
- relieves of melancholy, longing and depression, returns the joy of life;
- establishes a relationship between people, strengthens friendship and love relationships.
Chrysolite compatibility on zodiac signs
All signs of the zodiac can be worn with this stone. Astrologers say that chrysolite is best suited for Virgo, Leo and Pisces. Scorpions, Cancers and Aquarius are not recommended to wear peridot.
Chrysolite helps Pisces to avoid conflict situations, make the right, quick and meaningful decisions. To people who are born under this sign, the gem gives decisiveness and confidence. They also need to wear a stone to increase their self-esteem, because Pisces are often not self-confident.
Making the right decisions chrysolite will help everyone who was born under the sign of Leo. Such people lack confidence and fortitude, but at the same time they like to win and be in the spotlight. Chrysolite jewelry will add appeal to its owner. In addition, they contribute to the disclosure of all their positive qualities. In general recognition Leos need more than anyone.
In order to become less demanding and patient with others, practical Virgo need to carry chrysolite. The stone also contributes to the development of memory, attention and intelligence. Jewelry with peridot will give the Virgin even more attractive.
Libra is recommended to wear a stone in order to establish peace in the family, to establish relationships with others. Mineral relieves melancholy and fear.
As you know, Taurus is distinguished by egoism and obstinacy. In contentious situations, they often cannot give in. The stone makes the representatives of this zodiac sign more compliant, and also adds generosity to them.
The twins are distinguished by a characteristic feature - they never know what they really want. A contradiction even for oneself is a frequent occurrence for representatives of a given sign. The mineral on Gemini acts as a sedative. With a stone, their mood does not change so often, and they become more balanced.
Aries belong to the fire sign. Ardor is their characteristic trait, because of which they constantly encounter difficulties. Peridot on the representatives of this sign also has a calming effect. He gives his owner perseverance and prudence.
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