Varieties and description of green minerals

Green shades attract attention and are considered a symbol of harmony. Looking at it, a person is able to get rid of negative thoughts and feelings, to find peace. Experts believe that this is possible due to the fact that all shades of green interact with the heart chakra, which allows you to balance heart activity, heal mental wounds, relieve headaches and normalize blood pressure. Perhaps this is due to the huge popularity of green stones.

Nature gave man a huge amount of green minerals. Jewelers make them real masterpieces. At the same time, such crystals help their owner calm down and begin active actions. They have other properties.


This striped stone with unique wavy patterns is considered semi-precious. It is believed that if you look at it for a long time, you can see beautiful landscapes. According to legend, it was agate that was one of the first stones from which decor items and jewelry were made. The gem got its name thanks to the Achates river, on the banks of which it was first found.

In total, agate has about 150 varieties. But the most common of them is Brazilian. Its distinctive feature is the presence of natural inclusions. In addition to it, moss, Uruguayan, magical and landscape types of stone are popular.

Our ancestors believed that those who carry this mineral with them are under God's protection. The gem brings positive emotions to people and makes them more sociable and successful. The stone protects its owner from evil forces, is considered a symbol of longevity and prosperity. There is an opinion that agate given to a loved one will become for him the most powerful amulet.

The healing properties of the stone include: the ability to treat the pathology of the throat and liver, strengthen the immune system. To do this, it is recommended to wear it in the form of a bracelet. Agate should be washed periodically with cold water. So all negative energy that the mineral retained on itself is removed from its surface.

Such a stone is suitable for Gemini and Taurus. And for Aries and Sagittarius it will be useless.


Depending on the time of day, the degree of illumination, the presence of precipitation and even the mood of its owner, alexandrite is able to change its shade. In Russia, it was believed that women should not wear only one stone on their hand, otherwise it would soon become a widow. Therefore, choosing jewelry, you need to give preference to those that have a pair of gems. In Europe, stone was considered a symbol of prosperity and longevity. The ministers of the church took him with them during prayer or meditation.

Doctors say that alexandrite improves blood circulation, stops bleeding and strengthens the vascular walls. If the stone has changed color, its owner is recommended to check the blood sugar level. Before you go to bed, you must remove all jewelry with this mineral.

Make friends with the mineral purposeful Scorpions. Talismans with alexandrite are advised to have travelers and gamblers.


Apatite is a very hard stone and can damage other gems that will be nearby. Therefore, it is recommended to store it separately from other jewelry. Since ancient times, people believed that it has powerful magical properties, improves the emotional state of its owner, protects against enemies and gives peace of mind. It is believed that he will help exclusively to the owner, therefore, they are not advised to wear it to strangers.

The healers used the stone to treat bruises and fractures.It is noted that apatite normalizes the work of the whole organism, improves the activity of the brain and endocrine system. Mineralologists recommend using it to heal mental suffering.

Astrologers claim that apatite is suitable for absolutely all signs of the zodiac with the exception of Pisces. In them, it can cause passivity and apathy.


This mineral is called mysterious. It can remove toxins from the body, normalize metabolic processes and relieve soreness after injuries. Alternative treatment specialists use stone to:

  • treatment of skin ailments;
  • eliminate colds and bronchitis;
  • improving the condition of hair and nails;
  • removal of skin formations, including warts;
  • pressure normalization;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system.

For this, the gem must be constantly carried with you for at least 2 weeks.

Since ancient times, people believed that this stone is able to bring good luck and make them richer. Often, mascots with him are used by gamblers, creative personalities and financiers. Previously, an aventurine pebble was hung from a newborn’s bed. The mineral protected the baby from evil forces and helped him grow healthy.

Aventurine will be an excellent talisman for Taurus, Virgo and Cancer. But Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, it is strictly contraindicated, as it can make them irritable and unbalanced. Capricorns need to be afraid of the action of aventurine. And for representatives of watermarks, the mineral will be neutral.


The mineral is able to improve the condition of a person after various poisonings. Men who suffer from a violation of potency are recommended to purchase a crystal of chrysoberyl. In addition, the stone relieves shortness of breath, improves blood circulation and treats heart failure.

The stone also has magical properties. The gem unites lovers, helps in business and protects from rash acts. But it is not capable of affecting everyone. It will turn out to be a good talisman for Gemini, Crayfish, Libra and Capricorn. For those born under the sign of Sagittarius or Aries, chrysoberyl will help to find true friends and loved ones. But for Aquarius it is not suitable.


Since ancient times, this stone personified power and wealth. It goes well with other minerals. Its main value lies in its ability to protect its owner from people with bad thoughts. The healers used it to treat colds, strengthen blood vessels and improve brain function. To do this, water was insisted on the stone, which was then taken orally. Chrysoprase is considered the talisman of Aquarius. He will help him achieve high goals. Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini will be charged with positive energy from him.


Emerald has always been called the stone of wisdom and composure. Those who looked at him for a very long time were considered invulnerable. The mineral is recommended to be worn by those who suffer from nightmares and insomnia. Lithotherapists use emeralds to treat many diseases. It is believed that the mineral has bactericidal properties.


The Chinese consider this beautiful stone sacred. It is worn to protect family relationships. In the East, houses are often decorated with jade figurines.


A bright green mineral is called a "health stone." He successfully fights rheumatism, toothache, asthma and various intoxications. Malachite has a beneficial effect on the condition of the lungs, spleen, pancreas and heart. The magic features of malachite include the ability to protect the owner from the evil eye and various troubles. He gives spiritual strength, wisdom and perseverance.


Sapphires are rare in nature. It is believed that wearing it makes a person wise and fair. The mineral was often used by magicians to conduct their rituals. The stone is able to absorb all the negative energy of its owner. It eliminates toothache and positively affects the work of the heart. Astrologers recommend wearing it to Pisces, Sagittarius and Aquarius. At the same time, Taurus and Capricorn should avoid this gem.

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