
School trousers for boys and girls 2018-2019 - stylish, practical, versatile

Attitude to school uniforms has always been rather controversial. Someone considers it a necessity, while others think that it impedes development ...

School fashion 2018-2019: trends and current colors

Every day, the child spends most of his time at school. That is why the choice of a suitable form should be especially relevant ...

Gray school uniform: Concise style and color advantages

There is very little time left before the start of the new school year, which means that it is time to start choosing a school uniform. Of course,…

School uniform in blue: 80 photos of current sets

Summer is a time of amazing adventures, trips, sea holidays and other bright events in the life of every child. But sooner or later ...

School uniforms 2018-2019: Actual models for junior and senior students

Modern children spend most of their time at school, because the question of the school uniform of their parents always remains relevant. ...

Fashionable backpacks for school: 70+ photos of current options and features of choice

Before the start of the school year, all parents go shopping for everything they need for schoolchildren. Of course, different ...

Dress for girls 3 years: Fashionable and comfortable models for young women of fashion

The dress is considered to be the most suitable option for casual clothes for girls, even for the smallest representatives of the beautiful ...

Charming dresses for girls 1 year: Features of tailoring, selection and photo review of the most beautiful options

Each woman has her own taste and her own attitude to fashion, so you rarely meet a representative of the fair sex who did not like ...

Children's pajamas: Modern clothes for a good rest

Sleep in a child’s life takes up a significant part, since the body spends a lot of energy in active daytime. Full-fledged ...

70 cozy pajamas for girls in the photo: Popular styles, current solutions

The modern world of children's fashion is so unique that even pajamas for girls can be selected quite original and individual. ...

The most fashionable children's dresses for the summer of 2018: Best offers for dolls and princesses

The summer season is an occasion for updating not only your wardrobe, but also your daughter’s wardrobe. To the choice of the next summer dress ...

Children's jeans for little women of fashion and fashion

Children, like adults, in fashion love to show their character and unique vision of themselves. The main trend now, which is observed in the children's ...