

Lunar calendar haircuts and hair coloring for October 2019

Many girls like to experiment with their appearance. To do this, they practice new makeup, styling, radically change their hairstyle ...

Lunar calendar haircuts and coloring for December 2019

When preparing the lunar calendar, astrologers give specific recommendations regarding haircuts, styling, curling and hair coloring. ...

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for November 2019

Astrologers are sure: in order to achieve success, to establish relationships with family or friends, as well as solve financial problems, it’s enough ...

September 2019 lunar haircut calendar

With the advent of autumn, no one is protected from depression. It turns out that in order to avoid this, it is enough just to change the hairstyle, styling or color ...

December 2019 lunar manicure calendar: favorable and unfavorable days

From the first days of December, many of us begin preparations for the New Year holidays. And besides the attire and the menu of the festive table, consider ...

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for november 2019

To keep your hands always attractive, you need to take care of them regularly. But you need to do this correctly. For this, astrologers ...

Lunar calendar haircuts and dyeing for August 2019 by day

Many centuries ago, people noted that the moon is able to influence our bodies, thoughts and actions. Therefore, they checked all their plans with Lunar ...

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for July 2019 by day

Why do I need to follow the advice of the lunar calendar? It turns out that the moon is able to influence a person. Therefore, a haircut in the wrong ...

October 2019 lunar manicure calendar for days

Although the time has come to hide the pens in gloves, the girls do not stop doing manicures. But this may not be suitable every day. Lunar…

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for august 2019

Female pens require regular self-care. However, not every day is equally good for manicure. Depending on the phase of the moon, there are ...

Lunar manicure calendar for july 2019

Our pens need regular maintenance. Only in this way do they retain an attractive appearance. But this is not suitable every day. ...

Lunar manicure and pedicure calendar for June 2019 by day

The beginning of summer can please with warmth, greenery, and even new ideas for nail art. But you need to consider that not every day is equally good ...