The most successful lizard tattoos: photos of male and female options

Tattoo is a way to show people your nature, essence, character, originality and to show your inner world. In the 21st century, tattoos became very popular. More and more guys and girls decide on such a bold and important step. First you need to find out what the chosen tattoo means. This pattern will remain on the body throughout life, so you should not choose a random, meaningless sketch.


The value of the image of a lizard in different countries and cultures

A tattoo with a lizard pattern is very popular and has been printed on the body since ancient times. The lizard symbolizes speed, cunning and dexterity. People who quickly, easily and confidently solve their problems or difficulties prefer this tattoo.

Among the native inhabitants of America, the lizard symbolizes fertility, in Asia it is a symbol of wisdom and logic. In European culture, the image of a lizard symbolizes a connection with dark forces and even with the devil. In antiquity, this animal was associated with a good sign, was the personification of wisdom, honor and strength.

Today, the designation of a lizard tattoo is associated with agility and rebirth. This is explained by the ability to restore its tail - regeneration.

The value of lizard tattoos for men

Representatives of the stronger sex choose a lizard tattoo infrequently. If such a tattoo is still found among males, then this clearly symbolizes the ability to find a compromise, innate diplomacy, the desire and ability to avoid conflict situations, and intelligence. Such a man without difficulty and with a rebellious sense of dignity will come out of absolutely any difficult situation. Very often the lizard is inflicted by guys who practice dancing as a sign of the flexibility of their body.

The meaning of the tattoo with the image of a lizard in girls

Tattoo with the image of a lizard is considered one of the most popular among the fair sex. Pectoral drawing conceals a lot of hidden subtext and qualities that can be borrowed from this ancient and intelligent reptile. The most important meaning of this tattoo for girls is the ability to always remain beautiful, young, be fashionable and attract the admiring glances of men. Also, the tattoo indicates that the girl can quickly regain her strength in a short period of time.

The most popular lizard tattoos

There are a fairly large number of varieties of lizards, and all of them are unique in their own way. The lizard, gecko and chameleon stand out with special symbolic meaning on the body.

Varan Tattoo

The monitor lizard differs from all types of lizards in large size. It is called the Comorian Dragon. In ancient times, he was considered a harbinger of misfortune, misfortune, grief. Varana tattoo is associated with patience, observation, composure and calm. Therefore, most often such drawings are chosen by people with incredible patience and poise, who are not prone to aggression and temper. Most monitor tattoo compositions represent wisdom and determination.

Tattoo Chameleon

The chameleon has become a symbol of adaptation, heterogeneity and originality. In ancient times, a chameleon was associated with the element of air, and it was believed that it feeds on the wind. Often, people who easily adapt to any living environment and situation mark themselves with a chameleon tattoo. Holders of a chameleon tattoo are able to cope with any difficulties, overcome and survive all the troubles that occur on a long journey of life.

Gecko tattoo

Gecko - this bright reptile, which is great for depicting color, volume and vibrant compositions on the body.Most often, this species of lizards is performed in ethnic style. The green dragon, who smiles treacherously, is used to portend misfortunes and calamities.

Places for tattooing a lizard in girls

If a girl puts an image of a lizard on her stomach or ankle - this is an expression of her flexibility, smoothness and ability in any situation to compromise, so to speak, to smooth out all conflicts and misunderstandings. Tattooing on the ankle or on the shoulder will help its owner to easily cope with difficulties in areas that are associated with rhetoric. Such sketches are most often chosen for themselves by psychologists, teachers at school, lecturers, translators or participants in business negotiations.

Places of tattooing a lizard in men

The tattoo, performed on the leg, looks impressive and catchy. Such patterns are very interestingly perceived on the calf, foot or calf. Moreover, their size is absolutely not important: it can be a small, barely noticeable image, or a large, voluminous picture, with a deep and intricate meaning. Most often, the tattoo of a lizard on the leg is symbolized by the flexibility, speed and elusiveness of its owner. Another very common place for applying a lizard tattoo is the hand. Applying a tattoo in a given area of ​​the body means that a person believes in luck and is trying to draw attention to himself in money matters. Very often there is a lizard on the neck and even on the head, since this zone is considered one of the most successful for performing drawings.

Lizard Tattoo Sketches

Small neat lizards are the girls' favorites. Such sketches often serve to highlight the grace and splendor of the female body. Images, as a rule, are performed in traditional-classical black. A sketch of a lizard with a protruding double tongue indicates a possible danger, threat and aggression that may come from its owner. Flowers combined with a lizard are a girl's version of tattooing. He expresses the kindness, friendliness and harmlessness of his possessor. Reptile in its area of ​​residence is uniquely masculine design and tattoo format, which symbolizes naturalness and devotion to oneself.

It doesn’t matter in which zone the lizard is tattooed. The main thing is that it means for its owner, what is the meaning in itself. It is also important that the sketch was transferred from a sheet to the body in a quality manner.

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