Tattoo Polynesia: history of origin, meaning and stylish ideas for everyone


  1. Polynesia style tattoo: history of origin
  2. Key Features
  3. Interpretation of popular options
  4. Sketches and beautiful ideas

Fans of tattoos know that there are quite a few styles of drawing images. The appearance, volume and overall effect of the picture depend on this. Therefore, it is very important to study all the details before making the final choice in favor of one of them. Today we propose to consider in more detail the style of Polynesia.

Polynesia style tattoo: history of origin

For many years, this style has been one of the most popular tattoos in the world. It is particularly bright, so the images on the body are noticeable even at a great distance.

Despite the popularity of this style, not many people know the history of its origin. For the first time, pectoral drawings of this kind appeared on the Pacific islands. It was here that the Indians applied them so that without words one could understand everything about the owner of the tattoo. Therefore, the leaders often had rather large drawings on their faces.

Moreover, the application process was quite unusual and was always accompanied by various prayers, songs and even rituals. The duration of this process could reach several months. After all, drawing on the skin itself was especially painful in those days.

It should be noted that such tattoos look very unusual and at the same time still have deep symbolism for the native Polynesians. First of all, they designated the type of activity of a person, his social status. In addition, the strengths of character and personality as a whole could be determined from the drawings. Therefore, men who were distinguished by special achievements always had a large number of tattoos.

The main features of the tattoo Polynesia

The main feature of this style, which distinguishes it from all the others, is its symmetry and the most distinct lines and shapes. All this allows you to create a three-dimensional image, which in many ways resembles the well-known woodcarving. In this case, you certainly will not notice the game of shades or shadows, since this approach is not welcomed in this style.

In addition, Polynesian tattoos are quite large and often occupy a large area of ​​the body. For greater severity of the picture, girls sometimes add paints. This allows you to focus on selected areas of the image. In addition, such tattoos always look unusual and only adorn a woman. For men, this is a taboo.

In the modern world, such tattoos are more often an adornment of the body without meaningful meaning. Nevertheless, they are incredibly beautiful, unusual and differ in intricate shapes and ornaments. Due to straight or winding lines, an experienced master creates various geometric shapes, as well as images of animals, elements and other drawings. Therefore, the main thing is to express your wishes as accurately as possible before creating a sketch.

Tattoo Polynesia: Interpretation of Popular Options

As mentioned above, such tattoos were created in order to talk about the life and character of a person. Moreover, earlier it was believed that body-worn images are a talisman that helps to go through life in the right direction. Therefore, those who choose for themselves a tattoo in the style of Polynesia must definitely know the designation of each drawing.

Among the most popular options are Polynesian sharks. Such a tattoo always indicates that a person is strong and has great power. It also characterizes his ability not to give up and always move forward towards his goal.Often, the image of a shark is chosen as a protection and a talisman, since this animal is sacred.

A very popular tattoo solution is shark teeth. Unlike a full-fledged drawing, this option means strength, fearlessness and the ability to solve absolutely any situation that can happen in life. In this case, the master applies black triangles to the body, which are connected by a solid line. Most often, this pattern is applied to the ankle.

Turtle tattoo owners know that this sign is a symbol of life expectancy, as well as fertility and family. Therefore, most often such a pattern is chosen by people for whom family values ​​are above all. In addition, the turtle brings health and longevity.

As for the image of the lizard, the tattoo is a talisman for the owner. This animal has a special power that endows a person. Previously, this option was especially popular among the Polynesians.

An incredibly strong, powerful amulet is rightfully considered a ramp. A tattoo with such a pattern always protects its owner from the negative, and also gives inner freedom and openness to the world. Representatives of both sexes choose this picture for themselves, since such a talisman is really strong.

Polynesian masks called tics help protect the wearer from troubles, evil spirits and the evil eye. It is for this reason that most often these masks are depicted with large eyes that look on different sides.

Tattoos in the form of the moon are most often chosen for themselves by the fair sex. This is due to the fact that this figure means abundance and femininity. In turn, men choose the sun tattoo for themselves. Unlike the previous one, this picture is a symbol of eternity and fullness of life. Also, the sun gives happiness and goodness to everyone. By the way, often the moon and the sun can be seen as one tattoo. In this case, its meaning changes somewhat. It is believed that such a drawing helps to believe that everything is possible. After all, the main thing is not to be afraid and go to your goal without a doubt.

Polynesian style tattoo: sketches and beautiful ideas

Among all the variety, we picked up beautiful sketches that look great on the body. In addition, in the selection of ideas, everyone can find the most suitable tattoo option for themselves.

As you can see, Polynesian-style tattoos are really different from everyone else. They are quite strict, restrained, but at the same time they occupy a fairly large area on the body.

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