Owl tattoo: Stylish and modern options for women and men.

Owl tattoo is considered the most popular wearable pattern not only among men, but also among modern women. This is due to the fact that the owl itself is a mysterious bird and the meaning of the name of the bird is quite multifaceted. We offer you the most beautiful and varied owl tattoos: unusual black and creative color.

The meaning of owl tattoos: versatile interpretation

Since an owl is a species of nocturnal birds, the owl's tattoo in the distant past was associated with mysticism, occult magic, otherworldly existence and immortality. The Celts believed that the owl is a messenger of death, and the Chinese generally were dismissive of the image of an owl on the body. But it is not all that bad. There are also positive aspects in the meaning of an owl tattoo, because in many countries an owl is a symbol of wisdom. Remember the Soviet cartoons, where the owl is the most intelligent character, and in Disney cartoons, owls are magical, competent birds. Everyone knows the fact that an owl sees at night in the dark, and therefore this ability can be safely associated with the seer's abilities. Of course, in the Christian faith, the image of an owl today is interpreted as witchcraft, lack of faith and the presence of spiritual blindness. The direct meaning of an owl tattoo also depends on the location. Additional related tattoo elements also affect the interpretation. You see, the interpretation of the image of owls is so opposite that it is important to pay attention to the place where the owl tattoo and the composition as a whole are applied.

Beautiful owl tattoo sketches: side view

Before you apply owl tattoos on a selected part of the body, think through all the smallest details. It will be a disappointing disappointment if in the end the result does not suit you. Wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, judgment, perseverance, but at the same time mysticism - all this can be said about the owl tattoo. Thanks to a wide selection of sketches of fashionable owl tattoos, you can choose and complement the suitable option. Women prefer color sketches of an owl tattoo, and men like dark options, which are also complemented by a certain ink color in order to give mystery and effect. A professional painter will definitely advise something creative and make modern additions to the owl tattoo sketch.

Mysterious owl tattoo on the arm

Very often, judicious and purposeful people make a tattoo with an owl on their arm. Young girls also prefer to see a stylish owl on their hand, which they associate with a fun lifestyle at night. Everyone who loves riddles, surprises, amazing discoveries can see an owl tattoo. This is not to say that it is not painful to make an owl tattoo on the arm, but nevertheless it is here that the skin is less sensitive to external needle manipulations. If the owl tattoo is tiny and located on the forearm, then it can always be hidden from unnecessary eyes under the sleeves of the clothes.

Owl tattoo for girls: conquer others

Women with realistic owl tattoos are characterized by calm personalities. Of course, which of us is not capable of rash steps? Therefore, you can not judge by the original and fantastic tattoo of an owl as a frivolous person. Any owner of an owl tattoo puts a certain meaning in her wearable image, known only to her.

Spectacular male owl tattoo

Owl tattoos on the chest in men are one of the most common and popular. To a greater extent, the tattoo of an attacking bird makes an amazing impression. The significance of such a composition can be fully explained by the fact that the owner of an owl tattoo on his chest does not stop at achieving certain life goals.

Original Owl Leg Tattoo

Owl tattoos on the female leg are very often performed on the front surface of the thigh. Such compositions look quite ambitious, and therefore they try to perform them in color. But even on the calf, ankle, lower leg and foot area, colored owl tattoos look incomparable and original. Men rarely choose their feet as the place to place the mysterious bird.

Best color owl tattoo pics

The mystery of the tattoo in the form of an owl is associated not only with its execution in black ink, because the color drawings on the body also carry a certain mystery. Owl tattoo is not always realistic. Very often, cheerful people choose fabulous color variants of a tattoo in the form of a beautiful bird. Comic notes of tattoos indicate a positive attitude towards life and social difficulties.

Peerless Owl Tattoos on the Neck

The owl tattoos look pretty impressive on the neck of men and women. Getting a tattoo on your neck is a serious step, especially if the tattoo is large. Women rarely make tattoos on this part of the body, as they are difficult to hide. The female image of an owl on the neck very often looks simple and concise. If, nevertheless, a woman decides to do this, then very often she chooses a tattoo in the style of minimalism, which is positioned so that she can always be hidden with hair or clothes with a high collar. Men, on the contrary, choose owl tattoos, made in color and in quite large sizes. But such tattoos look just amazing.

Alluring owl tattoos on the back

People with colored tattoos on their backs are very easy on life. Such owners can be described as confident and stress-resistant individuals. For men, the back area is an uncommon area for a tattoo, but women quite often prefer to apply an owl tattoo on the shoulder area, both black and color. It all depends on the nature and position of life.

Owl tattoo on the chest: unique examples in the photo

According to modern men, an owl tattoo on a chest should be so realistic and voluminous that it takes your breath away from the beauty of a full-blown composition. Men with such a tattoo can be described as decisive, with strong spirit and free will.

Which of the proposed owl tattoos in the photo did you like the most? Do you want one of these original wearable images? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments.

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