TOP 10 safest countries in the world

Currently, you can only hear all kinds of news - the war in Eastern Europe, the war in the Middle East, the killings, rising prices, violence, riots, the economic crisis, etc. It seems that the whole world has gone crazy. Sometimes you want to escape somewhere to a desert island, away from this terrible modern world, where you can feel safe. Where to escape from the horror of the modern world, to which country? In addition to the level of democracy, GDP and other indicators, an important factor in living in the country is the safety of its fellow citizens. The article will consider the safest countries in the world.


The safest country in the world is Sweden - the Liberal Bastion of Europe. According to statistics, in 2015, 90 murders occurred in Sweden with a population of 10 million people. Yes, of course, isolated crimes are committed here. No one is safe from this. Pickpocketing occurs at the height of the tourist season. The most feminist on the planet is considered the Swedish rape law, which has been in force since 2005.


The home of the once-greatest empire in the world was a small European country - Austria. A country of sausages and beer. The vast areas of Europe in Spain, Germany, as well as Bosnia, Peru, and Mexico were ruled by the Habsburgs. After the First World War was over, the dynasty collapsed. And today, the imperial capital of Vienna is considered the most majestic city on earth. The population in Austria is less than in Sweden per 1 million people. During the year, no more than 40 murders are recorded here.


When visiting Switzerland, it may be striking that absolutely the whole country is filled with weapons. Like the Texans, the Swiss respect him very much. Weapon ownership is the highest on the planet. At the same time, shootings in Switzerland are incredibly rare. The country's population is 8 million. With so many people in the country, only about 40 murders occur annually.


The most populous country in the European Union is Germany. Compared with the UK and France, there are almost 15 million more citizens here. In addition, more recently, more than 1 million refugees arrived in France from Syria and other Asian countries. After the reunification of the Western and Eastern parts of the country in the 90s, the crime rate only decreases annually. With a population of 80 million people, about 2,100 killings occur in a year. For such a rather big country, this is a low indicator.


Norway is a very small country in terms of population. Every year, about 20 modern Vikings die at the hands of criminals in the country.


Among the safest countries is Denmark. Norwegians would feel even safer in Denmark and would be able to breathe easy. If we take into account the whole of Europe, then in this country there is the least murder. Almost nothing is heard about street crime. For terrorist organizations Isil and Al Qaeda, this European country is the main target. But, despite this, until today in Denmark there have been no victims of Islamic terror.


In Reykjavik in January 2017, a girl was kidnapped, who was later found dead. It happened in the evening when a young woman was returning home from an entertainment establishment. After this incident, there was public mourning in the country for several days. Round-the-clock vigils and prayers were held by candlelight. In protest, tens of thousands of people marched through the streets. The whole population of the country came together, not a single house was indifferent to this meaningless death.This cohesion of the inhabitants of Iceland has shown the whole world that it really is considered the safest country on the planet.

In the country, people really deeply and truly care about their neighbors. Iceland's population is 323,000. This country is the most sparsely populated and remote. On the streets you will not find armed police patrols. At night, people do not lock the doors of their homes. For the local population, a year is considered bad if more than one murder has occurred during the year.


The population of the island nation is 127 million people. Even Yakuza gangsters do not carry weapons in this country with a strict work culture. Japan is considered the safest country in the world.

Over the past 70 years, there has been a record low crime rate. The capital of Japan - Tokyo is also recognized as one of the safest cities on the planet.


The smallest country in Europe is rich Luxembourg. This state is so small that the Netherlands looks like a giant in comparison with it. In fact, there are no violent crimes in Luxembourg. All this is due to the fact that there is a high standard of living. According to this indicator, the country receives high places every year. Luxembourg in terms of GDP per capita takes 6th place in the world.


The safest country on the planet is Singapore. The country is home to 5.4 million people. All of them fit in an area that is 4 times smaller than the state of Rhode Island. With this level of overpopulation, no more than 15 people are killed here annually. Over the past 20 years, a minimum of thefts and violent crimes has been recorded.

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