TOP 10 largest rivers in Russia
Our homeland is wide ... There are about 2.5 million rivers in Russia alone. Their main mass is small rivulets, the length of which does not exceed 100 km. But there are absolute giants. The article will be dedicated to them.
In Western Siberia is the largest river in our vast country - the Ob. It takes its beginning on the discharge of 2 rivers - Katun and Biya. The length of the river is 5410 meters. The area of the water basin is simply huge - 2 990 thousand square meters. km Thus, Ob occupies a leading position in the ranking. In terms of water availability, it is second only to Lena and the Yenisei.
Ob feeds mainly on meltwater. The main part of the annual runoff falls on the spring-summer flood. By April, floods begin in the upper reaches, on average, near the end of the month, and in the lower, this process occurs in early May. Even with freezing, the water level begins to rise. In the spring, after the opening of the river, ice forms due to ice, which leads to insignificant short-term rises in the water level.
The flood season in July ends. Rain flood begins annually in September-October. In the middle and lower reaches, it continues until ice formation. On average, the ice cover on the Ob annually persists for 220 days.
Fishing has long been developed on the river. There has always been a lot of nelma, muksun, shokur, pike, sculpin, perch, ruff and other types of fish. Currently, there are about 50 species. Thanks to the “efforts” of poachers, fish in the river are now significantly smaller.
The list of major rivers of Russia continues with another giant - the mighty Yenisei. The river is a natural border that divides Siberia into East and West.
The river is 4287 km long. The Yenisei flows through two states - Russia and Mongolia. Its area is simply huge. It is 2580 thousand square meters. km Thanks to this, the Yenisei rightfully takes the second place in the list.
The right bank of the river is an endless mountain river, and on the left to the left of the country's largest river there are plains. The asymmetry of the coast is very noticeable. The left bank in height is less than the right by more than 5 times. During its passage from the source to the mouth, the Yenisei crosses almost all climatic zones. In the upper reaches of the river you can see camels, and closer to the ocean, in the lower reaches there are already polar bears. Here is such a huge river Yenisei.
Lena's dimensions are impressive. Among the country's large rivers, it rightfully takes third place. The total area within 2490 thousand square meters. km, and the length is 4480 km. The main “nutrition” of the reservoir, which is about 50% of the total, is water from the melting of snows and glaciers. 38% of the water is precipitated and 13% is underground nutrition.
In the upper reaches, Lena freezes in mid-October. In mid-April, it opens. On average, approximately 270 days of ice cover remain on the river annually.
Another very large river in Russia is the Amur River. This giant is known both in Russia and among our neighbors. Its waters also cross the territory of Mongolia. A river flows along the border of China and Russia.
The length of the Amur River is 2824 km, the territory of the basin is 1855 thousand square meters. km The river flows into the Sea of Okhotsk.
The majestic Volga has long inspired artists to create immortal paintings, praised by composers and poets. And even if it is not the winner of this rating, the river still remains a symbol of Russia.
Like other large rivers, the Volga also flows through the lands of several states. In this case, Kazakhstan and Russia. In the Tver region on the Valdai plateau is its source. On the planet it is the largest river. Its area is 1361 thousand square meters. km, and the total length is 3530 km.
In Yakutia, there is another large river - the Kolyma. Its area is 645 thousand square meters. km, and the total length is 2129 km. It falls into the bay of the same name, and originates at the intersection of Ayan-Yuryakh and Kulu.
The most ancient and largest river in Russia is the Don. On Central Russian This beautiful river originates in the Tula region, and specifically on the Central Russian Upland. Its area is 422 thousand square meters. km, and the total length of 1870 km.
The flow rate is insignificant, therefore, the Cossacks this majestic and unhurried river received a second name - "quiet Don". The river bed is characterized by a flat profile. The bias towards it is not significant - no more than 0.1 degrees. Often there are valleys up to 13 kilometers wide. As in all other rivers, the left bank of the Don is low, and the right is high and steep.
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, along the valley of the North Siberian Lowland, one of the largest Russian rivers, the Khatanga, flows. It originates at the intersection of Het and Kotui. On average, the area of its basin is about 364 thousand square meters. km, and the total length is 1636 km.
There are many lakes throughout its basin. Their area is 11.6 thousand square meters. km, and the total number of more than 112,000 lakes.
A river with the name Indigirka begins its journey in Yakutia from the slopes of the Khalkan Range. The two middle rivers, Kuidusun and Omekon, are its sources. The area of the Indigirka basin is 360 thousand square meters. km, and its length is 1726 km.
In addition to being one of the largest rivers, it is also the coldest in our country. In the lower reaches in winter, the Indigirka completely freezes. And in the summer it is a picturesque flowing ice stream, covered with ice. From the first days of October, the reservoir is covered with ice, which until June does not release it.
Northern Dvina
The list of the country's largest rivers is completed by the Northern Dvina. Its waters flow through the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions.
The total area of the pool is approximately 360 thousand square meters. km and a length of 744 km. The source of the Northern Dvina is the connection of small rivers - the South and Sukhon. This pond is notable for the fact that the history of shipbuilding in Russia began here.
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