Tourmaline. Properties and value of the stone, types, which suits the sign
In nature, there is a unique stone that contains an electric charge that resembles the one that is present in the human body. This mineral is found in a wide variety of colors and is called tourmaline. The color of the stone determines the predominant component in its composition. People with different tastes can choose for themselves exactly the shade that suits them best.
Types of tourmaline
This mineral has another name - rubellite. He was very popular among the French monarchs. There are colors from rich red to light pink.
In ancient times, red tourmaline was used to decorate the crowns, since it looks very much like a noble ruby. Pink tourmaline can be the perfect mascot for girls. He gives them peace and tranquility.
The following types of tourmaline are found:
- Tourmaline paraiba. One of the most beautiful stones. It occurs from blue to emerald color. The high price of paraiba tourmaline is explained by the rarity of this mineral. The stone helps to find love, get rid of depression and find harmony with the outside world.
- Green tourmaline, it is also a Brazilian emerald. The stone got its name because of the outward resemblance to this gem. Green tourmaline helps to avoid difficult situations and adds self-confidence.
- Black tourmaline. It is also called sherl. This mineral contains a large amount of iron. The stone protects its owner from evil magic and negative forces, eliminates negative character traits.
- Blue tourmaline. The second name is indigolite. Colors range from blue to light blue tones. The blue and blue mineral is called Siberian, Brazilian and oriental sapphire. Such a stone protects the family from quarrels and negative influences from the outside.
- Watermelon tourmaline. It has the most unusual colors. In this mineral several colors are connected at once, which have clear boundaries between each other. This name was given to the gem because of its resemblance to watermelon.
- Burmese tourmaline. Burmese tourmaline differs from all stones in its forms. Minerals are found from dark red to garnet. Outside tourmaline has a perfect cut, and as if scratched inside. Outwardly, it looks like a frozen drop of blood, so pendants are most often made from it.
- Ahroit. Almost colorless tourmaline. It has greenish and bluish tones.
- Brown tourmaline. He is also called Dravit. Brown tourmaline kratzene is rarely used by jewelers in their work.
- Yellow tourmaline. Colors range from light coffee shades to yellow. A yellow mineral positively affects the human nervous system. It brings an unstable emotional state of a person to normal.
The magical properties of tourmaline
Tourmaline was introduced to Europe from the island of Ceylon in the early 18th century and immediately gained great popularity among aristocrats. Esotericists at the same time discovered that the mineral has magical properties. Since then, tourmaline has been used as a talisman and talisman.
Around its owner, a product with tourmaline creates an energy field that protects it from any external negative effects. He protects against envy, gossip, intrigue, corruption, evil eye and evil forces.
Even the negative impact coming from electrical appliances and electronics can neutralize this mineral, just place it next to a computer monitor, TV, etc.
Tourmaline helps to identify and develop hidden talents in humans. He gives inspiration to creative people.Stone helps to find the right solution to difficult life situations. Sorcerers and magicians use it for meditation. He focuses and frees from bad thoughts. With the help of stone, you can easily achieve your goal, find the meaning of life.
The healing properties of tourmaline stone
Stone healing specialists have long studied the healing properties of tourmaline. It has a positive effect on the state of the endocrine and nervous system. The healing properties of the mineral help even people who are diagnosed with cancer of the malignant nature. Tourmaline is recommended for mental disorders and insomnia.
The healing properties depend on the color of the stone. With pathologies of the liver and kidneys, it is recommended to wear green tourmaline. In addition, it improves blood circulation, has a rejuvenating effect on the whole body, slows down aging.
A mineral of blue tint normalizes the level of hormones, improves the condition of the lymph nodes, and increases immunity.
Stones of blue, pink and black shades are often used in India. They allow you to cope with a variety of ailments and generally improve the body.
Zodiac tourmaline compatibility
Tourmaline can not be used as a talisman for all zodiac signs. For Scorpio, it is an ideal stone. To representatives of this zodiac sign, the magic of the mineral is able to clarify consciousness. The gem saves them from false illusions.
Scorpions are recommended to use black stones. They give this zodiac sign protection, help to avoid obstacles that arise on the path of life and reach the goal. Black tourmaline strengthens the positive character traits of Scorpio and relieves them of the negative.
Aries, Libra and Lions are recommended to wear green and pink minerals. For representatives of these zodiac constellations, stones have a calming effect on the state of the nervous system, helping to find harmony with oneself and the world.
Aquarius and Sagittarius will suit blue tourmalines. They will help representatives of this zodiac sign discover hidden talents and develop intuition. Tourmalines of any color can be used as a talisman for the zodiac signs Cancer, Pisces, Gemini. But you can’t wear them all the time.
Mineral of all shades to Virgo and Taurus is contraindicated. Tourmaline is a powerful talisman and beautiful stone. But no one can wear it constantly, because it has a very powerful energy.
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