Gemstone Jadeite: properties, varieties, which suits the zodiac sign
Jadeite belongs to the group of silicates. This stone has a fine-grained and dense structure. It includes aluminum silicate and sodium. It is very similar to jade. But there is nothing in common except color between these two gems. Jadeite is much more from jade. Minerals also differ in their composition. Jade contains vanadium, nickel, iron, magnesium and chromium. The structure of jade is also different. It has a tangled fiber structure.
Even in ancient China, jadeite was of great value. Even at that time, people determined that the gem has magical properties. They are relevant to date. Modern esotericists recommend the use of jadeite as a talisman. The mineral is in demand among stone-cutting specialists. They do not doubt the healing properties of the stone.
Types of Jadeite
The variety of shades of jadeite is very extensive. Most often, translucent stones with a green tint are found in nature. There are colorless, lilac, red, black, yellow minerals. White jadeite has the same magical and healing properties as yellow stone.
Mineralogists divide the mineral into species depending on the shade. The following varieties of jadeite are of value:
- Imperial. For jewelers, this stone is very popular. This is the most expensive type of gem. His hue is emerald green. The price of such a stone is almost equal to the cost of an emerald.
- Chloromelanitis. The composition of this type of jadeite includes sodium silicate, aluminum and iron. Thanks to the listed chemical elements, the stones have a black and dark green hue.
- Utilities In nature, such minerals are represented by crystals of bright green and black, having a matte sheen. By value gems Utilities are considered the cheapest.
- Albite Jadeite. Gem of a green tint. Dark blotches are present in its structure.
- Commercial. This is a stone that has a green tint with dark or transparent blotches. This variety is used for the manufacture of crafts, as well as interior items.
The magical properties of the mineral
The magical properties of jadeite can provide any person with strong protection against the negative effects of any nature. The gem protects its master from envy, gossip, curses, damage and the evil eye.
The mineral will become an obstacle to commit rash and wrong actions. Thanks to the help of jadeite, even in the most difficult life situations, a person is able to think sensibly and make the right decisions.
The gem is able to protect from the rampant elements and protect a person from a hurricane, fire and storm. It is believed that it can change the weather. In former times, sorcerers and shamans used rituals with the help of minerals, the purpose of which was to call or stop rainfall in the form of rain.
Lonely people with the help of a stone can find their soul mate, with whom they will recreate a strong family. And the mineral, in turn, will play the role of the guardian of the source. In families with jadeite peace always reigns, there are no conflicts and scandals.
The gem will give its master confidence in his own strength, determination and wisdom.
The healing properties of jadeite
Stone healing specialists actively use the healing properties of stone for the treatment of various pathologies.
Jadeite has a positive effect on the genitourinary system. It is used for pathologies of the bladder and kidneys, as well as for frigidity in women and impotence in men. The stone helps with diseases of the reproductive system, and also with its help you can cope with infertility.
Pathologies of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract are also treated with jadeitis. The gem normalizes blood pressure, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthens them.
Eye diseases are subject to this amazing stone. Thanks to him, people improve vision. The mineral eliminates the deposition of salts and insomnia, soothes the nervous system. With it, mood swings are not terrible.
With a gem, you can avoid viral infections, the occurrence of colds.
It has been established that jadeite of a certain shade has additional healing properties. It improves blood coagulation and red mineral contributes to the rapid healing of tissues. Meteo-dependent people are advised to use a white gem.
For therapeutic purposes, the mineral should be worn in the form of a ring on the left hand. Better on the index finger. You can also use bracelets with this beautiful gem.
Jadeite Compatibility by Zodiac Signs
It’s no secret that stones should be chosen exclusively according to the horoscope as a talisman.
Jadeite fits Libra perfectly. The stone will change the life of the representatives of this zodiac sign and, of course, for the better.
Lions can use the gem as a talisman. With its help, the king of animals will be able to cope with negative emotions and will be calm.
Jadeite is not suitable for Capricorn. The mineral makes the representatives of this sign scattered and dreamy. Friendship with a stone negatively affects the mental abilities of a person.
Also, it is not recommended to use a gem to Scorpions and Cancers as a talisman. Prolonged contact with the stone causes a person to have a negative mood and gloomy thoughts.
Other signs can not beware of this mineral. It can be safely worn as an amulet. He will give self-confidence and a positive attitude.
Jadeite is a hard stone. Does not need special care. It is enough to clean the stone once every six months. You should not keep it for a long time in a room with high humidity or in direct sunlight.
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